Love Brand You

It takes perseverance to build your business and your brand.  Perseverance is described as steadfastness in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.  Today my guest and I are talking about life's ups and downs and the perseverance it takes to succeed.  Kim Baird is an inspirational speaker and transformational coach.  She has helped thousands of people to transform their lives and their businesses for the better. Kim has a passion for living life and absolutely loves helping others to consciously create the life that they truly desire.  Kim and I first met a few years ago through a co-authored book we were both part of namely, Adventures in Manifesting:  Conscious Business.Kim is also the author of Gifts from The Darkness: Out of Your Darkest Times Come Your Greatest Gifts.  So you can tell by the title that Kim likely knows a bit about perseverance.  Listen in to our conversation to find out more about Kim, the obstacles she's overcome throughout her life and the perseverance it takes to succeed in life and business.http:// 

Show Notes

It takes perseverance to build your business and your brand.  Perseverance is described as steadfastness in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.  Today my guest and I are talking about life's ups and downs and the perseverance it takes to succeed.  Kim Baird is an inspirational speaker and transformational coach.  She has helped thousands of people to transform their lives and their businesses for the better. Kim has a passion for living life and absolutely loves helping others to consciously create the life that they truly desire.  Kim and I first met a few years ago through a co-authored book we were both part of namely, Adventures in Manifesting:  Conscious Business.

Kim is also the author of Gifts from The Darkness: Out of Your Darkest Times Come Your Greatest Gifts.  So you can tell by the title that Kim likely knows a bit about perseverance.  Listen in to our conversation to find out more about Kim, the obstacles she's overcome throughout her life and the perseverance it takes to succeed in life and business.



What is Love Brand You?

Sam Rafoss will introduce you to soulful entrepreneurs who are either beginning their discovery of their personal brand or masters of it. Using her business & marketing expertise and spirituality, she will uncover the connection between our inner-self and the role it plays in our outer brand to unveil the secrets of success. Sam’s soul calling is to help the healers of the world attract their ideal clients and make money doing what they love to do. Listen in and learn the techniques and tools to discover your own individuality and personal brand.