Cloud 9fin

As Mike Tyson once said, everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth. Who knew he was predicting the policy response to the first big bank failures since the 2008 financial crisis?

Some of us at 9fin are old enough to remember the alphabet soup of rules and specially designed capital instruments that was cooked up in the wake of the GFC, to ensure that banks could melt down in an orderly fashion and without regulatory intervention. So: what on earth happened to the plan?!

In this week's episode of our Cloud 9fin podcast, editors Will Caiger-Smith and Owen Sanderson do their best to explain the fallout from the recent drama at Silicon Valley Bank and Credit Suisse, and what it might mean for credit markets going forward.

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Through its AI-powered data and analytics platform, 9fin provides everything you need to get your head around credit or win a mandate — all in one place. We help subscribers win business, outperform their peers and save time.

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