First Baptist Arlington Sermons

Dennis R. Wiles 
First Baptist Arlington 
October 27, 2024 

FALL 2024 
Together . . . for the Future 
September 1 – November 2, 2024 
Preaching Voice: Shepherd 
Resilience: The Journey Continues 
Nehemiah 13 
Theme for 2024: Together 
Theme for Fall 2024: Together . . . for the Future 
Lessons for Re-Building (or Building) 
-Anchored in the Faith/Aimed Toward the Future 
-Kneeology: We must begin with prayer! 
-You Are Here: We must accept an honest assessment! 
-Planning and Zoning: Make a plan and get to work! 
-Overcoming Obstacles: Obstacles can be overcome! 
-Detoured by Distractions: Don’t get sidetracked! 
-How Firm a Foundation: God’s Word is trustworthy! 
-The Joy of the Lord: Joy is both a gift and a choice! 

CONTEXT: Nehemiah left Jerusalem to return to Persia for a season. When he decided to return, he found the city in disarray. Tobiah had moved into the Temple grounds. Tithes were not being paid. The Sabbath was not being honored. Some Jews were intermarrying with pagans. Nehemiah responded forcefully and faithfully to each situation. He worked to restore the integrity of Jewish practices of faith and fidelity to the Law. 

“Nehemiah’s knowledge of Scripture; his ability to apply that knowledge to the particular context; his courage to make highly unpopular decisions; and his skills to mobilize a highly fragmented, conflicted, and disengaged group of people are the dream of many pastors and leaders.”  
-Donna and Thomas Petter, NIV Application Commentary 
Passivity leads to decline! Resiliency requires diligence in doing good! 
For Christians, any journey of re-building requires a commitment to holiness and honoring God. 
Seasons of Re-Building 
As followers of Jesus, we remain anchored in our faith as we aim at a new future when we re-build. Through prayer and obedience, we resolve to honestly forge ahead, overcoming inevitable obstacles and denying the force of distractions. We steadfastly commit ourselves to the authority of God’s direction in our lives as we joyfully engage in the journey. We refuse to let all of our work collapse due to our inattentiveness. We can re-build!

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