Racks Fur N’ Feathers

The guys drove 8 hrs to Marquette in Michigan’s U.P. to sit down with the Michigan DNR’s bear and wolf program specialist. Part one is everything U.P. wolves from past to present.

Show Notes

The guys drove 8 hrs to Marquette in Michigan’s U.P. to sit down with the Michigan DNR’s bear and wolf program specialist. Part one is everything U.P. wolves from past to present.

What is Racks Fur N’ Feathers?

We're an outdoor/comedy podcast for the working man. We all have jobs, families, and an all out LOVE for the outdoors!. We get together every week, usually with a guest and talk hunting, fishing, trapping, cooking, you name it. We have a wide variety of interesting guests ranging from some of the top biologists in the country to local sports-men and women that share their stories and knowledge with us over cold beer and plenty of laughs.