Dreamslayer Studios: RPG Podcast

It's the final chapter of In the Shadow of Evil and the fate of two worlds hang in the balance. The Deadite forces spewed forth from the Necronomicon have overrun the mythic city of K'un L'un and threaten to spill out onto earth. The dark sorcerer Kaluu has partnered with the Red Skull to bring a bloody end to the world at war, ushering a new age of diabolical rule with the powers of dark magic under their control. The heroes now have to contend with not one, but two diabolical tomes, as The Red Skull has unlocked the secrets of the Darkhold! It's a battle for the ages in the final chapter of In the Shadow of Evil as campaign one draws to its pulse pounding finale!

Special thanks to all the players from startplaying.games who participated in the run of telling this story! Be on the lookout for campaign two!

It is the winter of 1943. The world is in the grip of war. Three quarters of the European continent is in ruins, crushed beneath the heel of a German jack-boot. Neither the sands of Africa nor the steppes of Russia are safe from the Nazi scourge. On the other side of the world, the waters of the Pacific run red with blood.

While the valiant allies struggle against seemingly overwhelming odds, the
dictators in Berlin, Rome, and Tokyo gleefully divide the world amongst themselves for conquest. As the sun sets over Europe, freedom is soon
to become little more than a fond memory.

Welcome, true-believers, to Dreamslayer’s first Classic Marvel Superheroes Role-Playing Game Crossover Extravaganza!

A Marvel Superheroes FASERIP RPG Actual Play

Music from this episode may come from the following sources: 
Thanks to our monthly supporters
  • Shawn Pearce (FluffyAlpacaGM)
  • Staci Teter
  • Artalis
  • Jonathan Morton
  • Alan Johnson
  • Oraxsis
  • Laura Shepherd
  • Clint Byrd
  • Michael Brightbill

Creators & Guests

Christopher Patrick Tyner
Christopher Tyner is a long-time Game Master with 30+ years under his belt running long campaigns in games such as the Marvel Superheroes RPG, Vampire the Masquerade, Savage Worlds, and a host of others. He is an actor and director and brings his love of performance to the table in all of the games that he runs.

What is Dreamslayer Studios: RPG Podcast?

Dreamslayer Studios RPG Podcast consists of a group of old school Role-Playing Game enthusiasts who have reunited to enjoy their old nerdy passion from years gone by. Led by Game Master, Christopher Tyner, the players will tackle all manner of adventures in various games, some familiar, and some which you may never have heard of before. What sets these players apart is their ability for improvisation. These adventures will focus on the true art of collaborative storytelling and push the boundaries of how you think about approaching your own role-playing games.