The Words Matter Podcast with Oliver Thomson

Dr Oliver Thomson speaks with osteopath and researcher Dr Jerry Draper-Rodi on his experience of transitioning to a biopsychsocial orientated way of musculoskeletal care, and offers advice and guidance for others' on their own journey of breaking free of the biomedical chains.

Show Notes

Welcome to episode 6 of The words Matter Podcast. On this episode I spoke with Dr Jerry Draper-Rodi.

Jerry is a Senior Research Fellow at the University College of Osteopathy and is an academic clinician. His current roles include working as the Head of Continual Professional Development and as a Research Lecturer at the UCO, running an osteopathic practice in Oxford, and delivering CPD in BPS skills to clinicians mostly in France.

He is the treasurer of the Society for Back Pain Research, and a fellow of the International Osteopathy Research Leadership group at the University of Technology Sydney (Australia). Jerry was awarded a Professional Doctorate in Osteopathy in 2016.

His doctoral research was on the acceptability, feasibility and likely impact of a biopsychosocially-informed e-learning programme for non-specific LBP on experienced osteopathic practitioners' attitudes to back pain. See some of his published research here and here

Jerry is on the PhD supervisory team for David Hohenshurz-Schmidt who was my guest on episode 2 of this podcast where we talked about MSK going remote in light of COVID..

Jerry is a colleague and friend of mine at the UCO; our desks sit opposite each other in the same office. In between (or sometimes instead of) doing work we have endless chats often centring around our passion and occasional frustrations of enhancing students and clinicians’ practice towards a BPS approach to back pain.

Jerry, like many of us, came from a strong biomedical approach manual therapy background. So I was really keen to speak with him about his experience of breaking free from his traditional training and how he perceives his transition and the transition of others towards a BPS approach. Including how he manages the resistance, obstacles and opportunities to incorporating the BPS framework into clinical practice.

I really this enjoyed talking with Jerry, it was really helpful to have insight from someone who has successfully made the tradition and is now immersed in BPS practice, teaching and research.

This should be interesting to all MSK clinicians but especially those who are struggling to break free from the biomedical chains or perhaps are unsure or anxious about what a BPS future might hold. I bring you Dr Jerry Draper-Rodi.

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What is The Words Matter Podcast with Oliver Thomson?

The Words Matter Podcast brings you insights, reflections and conversations focused on the latest evidence, theory, philosophy and practice of communication-focused healthcare.

Find out about the more tacit, 'softer' and personal side of clinical practice such as the role of philosophy, beliefs, behaviours, developing therapeutic relationships or the purposeful use of language with people experiencing pain from expert academics, clinicians and researchers from across the world and spanning the musculoskeletal disciplines. This podcast will help you reflect on your own current practice and inform and stimulate you to consider new ways of approaching your practice and patients, to create a better clinical experience and outcomes in people with musculoskeletal pain.

Hosted by Dr Oliver Thomson PhD, an osteopath and Associate Professor who is passionate about researching and educating clinicians on a revised narrative, communication and biopsychosocial approach to musculoskeletal therapy. If you like the podcast, subscribe and check out the online learning and resources at

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