Alternative Power Plays

On this episode of Alternative Power Plays, Anul Thapa, a Principal with the Brattle Group, discusses New England’s natural gas supply, transmission and distribution system and the challenges it faces in this winter. Anul has more than a decade of experience applying economic and finance principles in complex oil and gas-related litigation, arbitration, and regulatory proceedings. He co-authored “Understanding Natural Gas Markets,” which was prepared for the American Petroleum Institute in 2014.

New England gets about 80% of its electricity from natural gas fired generation. Anul discusses how the already heavily utilized gas pipeline capacity into the region, combined with high natural gas prices, will impact the New England electric market and how the demand of LNG will impacted by the Russian invasion of Ukraine. This episode wraps up by the trio discussing how policy makers address the New England gas system supply issues and could avoid economic disruptions in the future.

To read more about Anul Thapa, visit:
To read more about John Povilaitis, visit:
To read more about Alan Seltzer, visit:

Show Notes

On this episode of Alternative Power Plays, Anul Thapa, a Principal with the Brattle Group, discusses New England’s natural gas supply, transmission and distribution system and the challenges it faces in this winter. Anul has more than a decade of experience applying economic and finance principles in complex oil and gas-related litigation, arbitration, and regulatory proceedings. He co-authored “Understanding Natural Gas Markets,” which was prepared for the American Petroleum Institute in 2014.

New England gets about 80% of its electricity from natural gas fired generation. Anul discusses how the already heavily utilized gas pipeline capacity into the region, combined with high natural gas prices, will impact the New England electric market and how the demand of LNG will impacted by the Russian invasion of Ukraine. This episode wraps up by the trio discussing how policy makers address the New England gas system supply issues and could avoid economic disruptions in the future.

To read more about Anul Thapa, visit:

To read more about John Povilaitis, visit:

To read more about Alan Seltzer, visit:

What is Alternative Power Plays?

Alternative Power Plays is a podcast that explores the latest trends and innovations in energy generation. The podcast is hosted by Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney attorneys and experts, Alan Seltzer and John Povilaitis, along with financing experts at the Brattle Group. Each episode features insightful interviews with industry leaders, innovators, and policymakers who are shaping the future of alternative energy.

Tune into to Alternative Power Plays to hear frank conversations about new energy technologies and how facilities, municipalities and more can prepare for the next generation…of energy