Can you see what I see?

"Money is a thing, a medium of exchange. Abundance is an attitude and a bountiful feeling. It refers more to an inner state than to worldly achievement." ....... what do you see?

Show Notes

  • The opposite of abundance is scarcity.......  how do you feel when you come from the energy of "scarcity", and how would you be thinking mentally when you come from the energy of "abundance".
  • Beliefs can influence whether we look at life through the eyes of Abundance vs Scarcity.
  • Some ways to create an abundance mindset:     recognise the power of your thoughts;  practice gratitude, surround yourself with people who have an abundance mentality.......
"No Bad Parts" by Richard C. Schwartz, PhD.

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What is Can you see what I see??

Would you like to live in a kinder, happier world where people are safe, empowered and inspired to choose greater? A world that has a different vocabulary from what is considered "normal" .... and the language is empowering and actually COMMON for us all.

We see that world.