Spiritual Food For The Soul

Celebrate your holidays with love, peace, joy and goodwill toward all men in Honor of the The Perfect Gift, Jesus Christ.

Show Notes

Celebrate your holidays with love, peace, joy and goodwill toward all men in Honor of the The Perfect Gift, Jesus Christ.  

What is Spiritual Food For The Soul ?

Spiritual Food For The Soul Podcast is an extension of the St. James Outreach Ministries and is hosted by Pastor James Williams and Lady Rochelle Williams. What can our listeners expect? Spiritual Food For The Soul Podcast is a voice of truth, inspiration, and love. Pastor Williams and Lady Williams’ goal is to empower listeners through the Word of God to think biblically in their daily walk of life−allowing God to be the center of their life.

It is Pastor Williams and Lady Williams’ prayer that through this Podcast that you, our listeners, be spiritually fed and that you touch others as we touch you by sharing this Podcast, Spiritual Food For The Soul. Thank you for giving your time to listen. May God’s blessings be upon all of our listeners.