The Father's Heart | Hosted by Papa Tom

Welcome to "The Father's Heart Talk Show", hosted by Papa Tom

We promise you that you will hear different ideas and true definitions of words you thought you knew the meaning of but were mistaken. Take a fresh perspective of life from a father’s perspective of what is true from a Biblical perspective. After all, if you know the truth it will set you free. Is that not what God our Father wants His children to be? Free. In a world that manufactures lies out of the Fear Factory every moment of the day, would it be good to hear the truth from a grandfather’s perspective. Come take a listen, you will be glad you did!

What is The Father's Heart | Hosted by Papa Tom?

How can people enjoy life? How can parents become better parents? How can you help someone else you love enjoy their life? These questions are the foundational questions to exploring how we can be better connected to one another and to God our Father Himself. Disconnection is caused by some form of worry, anxiety or fear. Perfect love casts out all fear. The Fathers Heart Talk Show explores the role that fathers play in helping people overcome their fears and consequently being able to connect with one another and ultimately to the Biggest Daddy of them all, God the Father.

This show is all about fathers in every way shape and form. The role they play in your life. The role they play in our society. The grand design of how the role of father was conceived to positively effect all Seven Mountains of Influence in our society. Have you missed the blessing of a father in your life to help you navigate through your journey? Have you missed the help of a father to help you find your identity, calling and destiny?

Come listen to how you can fill in the gap in what is missing in your life. Come listen to how current events can be viewed from a father’s perspective. Where are the fathers in the Pro-Life movement for example? Perhaps Fathers for Life is a good new idea. We promise you that you will hear different ideas and true definitions of words you thought you knew the meaning of but were mistaken. Take a fresh perspective of life from a father’s perspective of what is true from a Biblical perspective. After all, if you know the truth it will set you free. Is that not what God our Father wants His children to be? Free. In a world that manufactures lies out of the Fear Factory every moment of the day, would it be good to hear the truth from a grandfather’s perspective. Come take a listen, you will be glad you did!

This show reveals the dreams and downloads a grandfather receives from heaven. His dreams inspired him to write a series of children’s books “Papa Tom’s Tales” A Grandfather’s Bedtime Stories. A series of children’s books that imaginatively describe how the love of God the Father overcomes every fear a child could experience. Interviews with people about their experiences and epiphanies in discovering love in their relationships with their own fathers and experiences with God the Father changed their lives. The theme behind the content contained in our Podcasts is to bring the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers and in so doing helping you connect with the Heart of God the Father.