So Good Sisterhood

Are your insecurities keeping you stuck? In this episode, Donna Pisani shares how to embrace the tension of confidence and humility.

So Good Moments: 
  • The truth about the passage of Scripture that says women should be quiet and submissive. 
  • How Donna overcame the lie that she wasn’t smart. 
  • How to master the art of listening and ask good questions. 
  • Why grit is more important than talent. 
  • The importance of discovering your own kind of smart.
  • Encouragement if you are going through a hard time…and more!

Discussion Questions: 

  1. What is something new you learned about the passage in 1 Timothy? 
  2. Donna talked about how everyone has an insecurity (hers was that she wasn’t smart). What is one insecurity you’ve had to overcome with God’s truth? 
  3. What are some ways we can master the art of listening? 
  4. Why is grit more important than talent? 
  5. Donna talked about finding your own kind of smart and being confident in that. What is your own kind of smart? (Consider what comes naturally to you, what you enjoy, what you feel God’s grace for, where you have a creative touch, or what other people have said about you.)

Donna’s Book: Entrusted to Lead
You’re Not Listening Book
Grit Book 
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© 2022 Be Essential Songs (BMI) / Jord A Lil Music (BMI) / Doejones20 (BMI) (admin at All rights reserved. Used by permission.

What is So Good Sisterhood ?

The So Good Sisterhood podcast is all about investing in every girl from every generation. It's an opportunity to have relevant conversations every month around living intentionally, leading confidently, and loving generously—leaving you saying "That's so good!"