Exit Five: B2B Marketing with Dave Gerhardt

Dave is interviewed by Superside VP Marketing Amrita Mathur during a live session focused on positioning and company storytelling. When it comes to driving revenue we obsess over tactics when so often the root cause is actually positioning. When sales and marketing efforts are stuck or slowing down, it's rarely because you need to unlock a new channel, or because you are not using the latest martech tool. It is most often a positioning problem. But it is much easier to toss the blame on sales + marketing efforts and ask those teams to do more - because positioning is a whole company issue. Changing the product roadmap, ideal customer profile, pricing/packaging, and how you talk about what you do -- well shoot that is a ton of work, and there's a lot of feelings and opinions, and there's this team who we already committed to doing X for, and investing Y in this, and it goes on for ever. But it's most often positioning that needs to be changed because the context for your market/customers has changed. And the solution is not buying intent data from a new vendor, doing new field events, or hammering on outbound. Those things wont work without the right company story + positioning. With the reality of budget cuts, less headcount, and mounting pressure to hit targets right now there is no better time to take a hard look at positioning. Strong positioning is knowing the value you deliver that no other product on the market can for your ideal customer. Best of all, you can make these improvements without additional budget or new hires (there's something that will make the CFO happy). If you want to brush up positioning and find 1-2 new ideas to help your business, I think you'll get a lot from this episode.

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Thanks to our 2023 presenting sponsors Demandwell, Jasper, and Zapier.

This episode is brought to you by Jasper. Jasper is the AI Content Generator that helps you and your team break through creative blocks to create amazing, original content 10X faster. Learn more + start using AI to create content for free at jasper.ai

Thanks to my friends at hatch.fm for producing this episode and handling all of the Exit Five podcast production.
  • They give you unlimited podcast editing and strategy for your B2B podcast.
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Today’s episode is brought to you by Apollo.io.

If you share a pipeline goal with your sales team, then you care about the deliverability rate of your team’s outbound emails. 

No email visibility means no meetings. 

This is the “silent nightmare” for marketers. You often don’t even know this is happening. 

And the most common cause of it? It’s actually an easy one to fix: you’re not using the right tool. 

That’s why 100s of marketers at companies like Mutiny are switching to Apollo.io. Apollo has every tool you need to power your entire outbound and inbound motions (yes that’s right, I said inbound emails too, ask their team about it).

Marketers using Apollo have seen outbound email deliverability jump from 62% to 98% after making the switch. 98%! That means more replies, more meetings, and of course, more pipeline.

Want to see what type of results you can get? Head over to apollo.io/e5 right now and their team will set up a free account for you. And as a thank you for your time, you will receive a free annual Exit Five membership, that's valued at $275.


Thanks to my friends at hatch.fm for producing this episode and handling all of the Exit Five podcast production.
  • They give you unlimited podcast editing and strategy for your B2B podcast.
  • Get unlimited podcast editing and on-demand strategy for one low monthly cost. Just upload your episode, and they take care of the rest.
  • Visit hatch.fm to learn more

What is Exit Five: B2B Marketing with Dave Gerhardt?

Dave Gerhardt (Founder of Exit Five, former CMO) and guests help you grow your career in B2B marketing. Episodes include conversations with CMOs, marketing leaders, and subject matter experts across all aspects of modern B2B marketing: planning, strategy, operations, ABM, demand gen., product marketing, brand, content, social media, and more. Join 3,500+ members in our private community at exitfive.com.