Talking UpStream

Zack and Dylan made a surprise appearance at the Indie Pods Virtual Summit! They took the idea of Talking UpStream and condensed it to 30 minutes. Watch them take a bunch of suggestions from viewers as they craft this odd late night talk show featuring a spider as a host and an assortment of insect guests. Maybe it educational or maybe it's just gross. Either way Some Nobodies did it!

Show Notes

Talking Upstream is a 90-minute writer's room where Zack and Dylan bring a show on creativity. They pull random ideas which they get weekly and bring these ideas to the whiteboard. Zack and Dylan generate a structure for these amusing ideas and stories and then turn them into a full story that can turn into a book, short story, series, movie, or many more.
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What is Talking UpStream?

Talking UpStream is a new show on IBM.TV. Some Nobodies, Dylan Terry and Zack Wiseman try and talk their way up to a streaming service. They have endless ideas and each episode revolves around starting a thought project into a 'pitchable'