Mempool From XMTP Labs

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How would your world change if your local HOA turned into a DAO?

In the emerging world of the blockchain, nothing sends chills down the spine like centralization, because many people involved in the crypto space are often drawn in because of its lack of centralization and the new frontiers for self-governance.

Today, Dennison Bertram, co-founder of Tally, dissects and demystifies how clarifying crypto policies will lead to greater decentralization. He explains how the very nature of DAOs makes it difficult to clarify and regulate. So how do you find a middle ground for common-sense regulations to satisfy the government while still retaining the sovereignty that makes crypto so innovative?

That is the question that Dennison and Shane pick apart piece by piece and the implications will surprise you including…

-Why Uber is more centralized than the Taxi industry ever was?
-How DAOs could revolutionize your local Co-op or HOA?
-What regulations need to be in place to free up blockchain innovation?

Dennison is in the trenches of this issue and is spearheading the clarity needed for crypto to survive and thrive for generations to come.

Learn more about how Tally is working to make DAO’s a daily reality here:

Shane Mac: @shanemac
Dennison Bertram: @dennisonbertram

The open protocol and network for secure web3 messaging:

What is Mempool From XMTP Labs?

Mempool from XMTP Labs is where we talk about the role of communications in web3.

In blockchains, before transactions are added to blocks they sit in a waiting-room-of-sorts called a “mempool”—short for memory pool. In our experience it’s the lobbies, the waiting rooms, the liminal spaces where the best discussions are had. It’s where we talk about the bleeding edge ideas, do the deep dives, and swim in and out of currents of thought.

This is our Mempool.