The European Startup Show

Did you know that only 14% of what we put in recycling bins actually gets recycled?
Well, my guest today is Mikela Druckman Founder & CEO of Greyparrot whose mission is to improve recycling efficiency using AI.
Founded in 2019, Greyparrot has been recognized as being one of the “Hottest Climate Tech Startup” and has also been awarded by CB Insights as Top AI 100 most promising companies globally. I really enjoyed my conversation with Mikela - I learnt everything from how AI can be used to digitize waste to her process of finding focus early on to her plans for taking maternity leave this summer. If you ever doubted if you can start your business and have a family, you should definitely listen to this podcast!

Show Notes

  • [2:02] - What led you to start Greyparrot and what did you do in your early stage?
  • [10:47] - How did you figure out who your buyer in the value chain is?
  • [12:17] - What was your process for validating the problem statement?  What did you do well and what could you do better?
  • [20:19] - How did you fund the venture in the early stages?  What was your funding journey like?
  • [25:39] - How did you find your first few customers, beyond your network?
  • [29:28] - What are you most proud of accomplishing thus far?
  • [30:33] - How did you deal with any self-doubt and overall stress?
  • [33:00] - What are some steps you have taken to keep the business going as you take time to have a baby? What advice would you give to others


Donut Economics by Kate Raworth

What is The European Startup Show?

To inspire technology entrepreneurs in Europe with stories and practical strategies from other successful entrepreneurs.

If you are a CEO, founder, or work in sales or marketing, and your company is based in Europe or is looking to expand into Europe, then this podcast is for you.