The Bible as Literature

To the extent that Christians believe in the power of their actions and the value of their ethics, it’s understandable why they would interpret the Bible as a set of moral guidelines, or the life of Jesus as a moral example. But this is nonsense. The Bible does not present a philosophy of life, a set of ethics, or a set of moral guidelines. Jesus is not a role model and the question “what would Jesus do” is not Scriptural. In the Bible, there is no distance between the commandment and the steps taken by the disciple. Christ does not show us how to live. On the contrary, he demonstrates who his master is by his obedience to that master. This is what we imitate in Christ—his obedience to the Torah—with no provision for moral deliberation on our part. When you deliberate, “what would Jesus do“ you’ve already missed the bus. The real question is, “who was Jesus‘s boss?“

Richard and Fr. Marc discuss Matthew 3:13-17.

Episode 238 Matthew 3:13-17; Subscribe:; “Zap Beat” Kevin MacLeod ( ( Licensed under Creative Commons: B.y Attribution 3.0 License http:// creativecommons .org/ licenses /by/3.0/

Show Notes

To the extent that Christians believe in the power of their actions and the value of their ethics, it’s understandable why they would interpret the Bible as a set of moral guidelines, or the life of Jesus as a moral example. But this is nonsense. The Bible does not present a philosophy of life, a set of ethics, or a set of moral guidelines. Jesus is not a role model and the question “what would Jesus do” is not Scriptural. In the Bible, there is no distance between the commandment and the steps taken by the disciple. Christ does not show us how to live. On the contrary, he demonstrates who his master is by his obedience to that master. This is what we imitate in Christ—his obedience to the Torah—with no provision for moral deliberation on our part. When you deliberate, “what would Jesus do“ you’ve already missed the bus. The real question is, “who was Jesus‘s boss?“

Richard and Fr. Marc discuss Matthew 3:13-17.

Episode 238 Matthew 3:13-17; Subscribe:; “Zap Beat” Kevin MacLeod ( ( Licensed under Creative Commons: B.y Attribution 3.0 License http:// creativecommons .org/ licenses /by/3.0/

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What is The Bible as Literature?

Each week, Dr. Richard Benton, Fr. Marc Boulos and guests discuss the content of the Bible as literature. On Tuesdays, Fr. Paul Tarazi presents an in-depth analysis of the biblical text in the original languages.