The Sweet Fire Podcast

Shelby Frederick, a multifaceted individual known as "Lady Jewels" to her social media followers, is making a remarkable impact as an author, coach, trainer, and equipper. Her unique communication style enables her to bridge generational gaps and deliver practical coaching for successful living. As a Holistic Life Practitioner, Shelby's vision is to empower women with holistic strategies, inspiring them to take personal responsibility for all eight dimensions of wellness and positively influence their spheres of influence. 

 With over sixteen years of experience as a Licensed Massage Therapist, Shelby possesses extensive knowledge and training in various forms of holistic healing. Her expertise allows her to educate the public about the power of holistic approaches to well-being. Furthermore, as a Certified Instructor and a Professor at the International Institute of Faith-Based Counseling and Northeastern College of Theology in Ohio, Shelby brings over 10 years of instructional experience in higher education, further enriching her ability to equip others. She is also the founder of War Room Warriors Equipping Center, an apostolic discipleship hub that equips believers for the work of the ministry. Shelby completed her Master of Theology studies in April 2023.

Shelby Frederick's passion for holistic living, her commitment to empowering women, and her depth of knowledge make her a highly respected figure in her field. Through her books, coaching, training, and equipping, she is making a significant and positive difference in the lives of individuals, helping them thrive in all aspects of their well-being: spirit, soul, and body.

Learn more about her work at

What is The Sweet Fire Podcast?

The Sweet Fire Podcast is for and about women who dare to let their fire light up the world. Our goal is to spark reflection that inspires great conversations with the girls we love. In this intergenerational journey, we're giving language to the complicated and brilliant work of raising up girls who know who they are.

Inspired by J.P. Mitchell's Sweet Fire picture book, this broadcast seeks to highlight why the world needs women and girls to be more--not less--seen, heard and valued. It is our belief that women are natural solution-makers in society whose voices move the needle in every space where we show up. The ultimate goal is that no one hides their gifts--but instead we all enjoy a world where every voice makes it to the table--and everyone benefits. Hiding our light is overrated–it is time let our fire light up the world!

Learn more about the Sweet Fire picture book at