The Growtime Show

Uncover why extreme penny pinching keeps you stuck in a scarcity mindset and limits your wealth building potential. Learn the counterintuitive but powerful act of strategic spending to transform your mindset and require expansion.


Frugality and obsessive saving often do more harm than good, constraining your growth. True stewardship involves maximizing, not minimizing, the resources you're given. By shouldering bigger investments and giving generously, you spur income expansion out of necessity. Your focus shapes your reality more than any specific action. Redirect it from lack and scarcity to abundance and growth. Spending wisely forces the acquisition of new skills while saving pennies wastes irreplaceable time. Wealth creation demands a abundance mindset and belief in unlimited resources.

Top 3 Growth Tips

  • [12:24] Enjoy Your Resources - Resources are gifts to be enjoyed rather than worshipped. Enjoying them keeps them from becoming idols and anxiety-inducing. But balance enjoyment with wise stewardship focused on maximizing potential.
  • [21:01] Invest Big - Small investments keep income capped. Large ones necessitate elevated earning and push you to play bigger. Think how buying a jet requires greater money-making capabilities. Approach business growth this way too.
  • [15:38] Give Generously - Releasing significant money through generosity expands thinking and detachment from money. Uncomfortable giving levels transform scarcity mindsets by proclaiming abundance confidence.

For more tips, discussion, and behind the scenes:

About Ken Ott:

Kenneth Ott is an owner of multiple businesses, entrepreneur, husband, father, and Christian leader. Ken is the co-Founder of Metacake, an Ecommerce Growth Team and Dough Capital. Ken is an author, speaker, and business coach. To connect or learn more, visit: 

Show Highlights

[00:41] The idea that extreme penny pinching and tight money management are virtuous may not be true. Obsessive saving can limit wealth creation.
[02:38] Requirements imposed by life forced you to expand and cover provisions, even if it was uncomfortable. The same principle allows strategic spending to build wealth.
[04:43] Money becomes your master when the focus is entirely on saving it rather than investing. Constant anxiety over pennies wastes irreplaceable time.
[09:33] Giving freely proclaims confidence in abundance since you take scarce resources and release them generously. This mindset shift is transformative.
[12:24] Resources should be enjoyed as gifts rather than worshipped as idols. But pursue wise stewardship aimed at maximizing, not minimizing, potential.
[15:38] Generous and consistent giving at uncomfortable levels expands thinking and attachment to money. It’s personally beneficial despite helping others more.
[18:34] Buying an expensive jet necessitates elevating income. The same applies in business. Small investments limit growth. Big ones demand it.
[20:01] Dying with abundant savings is fruitless. Instead be a steward of time on earth by enjoying resources, giving generously, and spending/investing strategically.

What is The Growtime Show?

Exploring the principles for living a high-performance life.