Humans of Martech

What’s up folks, if you follow the show you know that we wrap up each conversation by delving into how our guests manage to juggle their personal and professional lives while maintaining their well-being and career success. 

Our most popular episode continues to be our compilation of insights on this very topic. Due to its popularity, we've decided to revisit this format and bring you a fresh perspective with new voices and reflections. 

I’ve categorized all 23 of our guests’ answers into 7 categories:
  1. Passion and meaningful work
  2. Values and priorities
  3. Physical health and routines
  4. Curiosity and learning
  5. Appreciating what we have now
  6. Giving back
  7. Relationships
Main takeaway: Balance is a continuous journey rather than a final destination, involving passion alignment, personal recharging, and appreciation of life's path, including those who accompany us along the way. And never underestimate the power of a well-timed 'no' to maintain balance and propel your journey forward.

Igniting Passion and Finding Meaningful Work
Let’s start with the internal flame that motivates all else. 3 of our guests emphasized passion and finding meaningful work as the key to happiness and success.

Harnessing Passion for Professional and Personal Fulfillment
Lucie De Antoni, Head of Marketing at Garantme

The key to a fulfilling life, Lucie posits, is to weave one's passions into the fabric of their daily lives, both in personal and professional realms. While the notion might echo familiar sentiments, for her, it serves as the engine of daily motivation. This approach isn't about blindly following joy; it involves critical reflection and the transformation of lackluster experiences into positive ones.

Lucie treats her engagement with AI not just as a job but as an integral part of her life's canvas, indicating a seamless integration of work with personal interests. This blend is increasingly rare in a world that often dichotomizes professional and personal life. Her strategy includes a pragmatic approach to time management, a learned skill that she has honed over her career. Lucie now exercises discernment in her work, asking whether late hours are truly necessary or if they encroach upon her personal time.

Her journey towards finding balance has been iterative, a process marked by growth and the ability to prioritize more effectively than she could just months before. Lucie attributes part of this evolution to the people she surrounds herself with, suggesting that a supportive network can significantly influence one's ability to maintain equilibrium.

Building a career that resonates with one's values is not without its challenges. Lucie acknowledges that recognizing one's strengths and facing obstacles head-on is essential, yet she also stresses the importance of choice. It's about alignment—ensuring that professional actions and personal values are in concert.

Key Takeaway: True happiness emerges from the intersection of passion, self-reflection, and the prudent management of one's time and choices. Lucie’s experience underlines the importance of integrating personal passions with professional endeavors, the power of a supportive network, and the continuous journey towards balancing various aspects of life. In essence, fulfillment is about doing what you love, prioritizing what matters, and sometimes, having the wisdom to say no.

Embracing the Momentum of Passionate Work
Michael Katz, CEO and co-founder at mParticle

At the heart of a fulfilling life, according to MK, is the enjoyment of one's endeavors. He prioritizes his roles not by societal standards, but by personal significance, with fatherhood at the pinnacle. His career, while varied and demanding, trails behind his family in his list of priorities. This clear hierarchy is the cornerstone of his contentment, allowing him to approach his other roles with a grounded perspective.

MK's experience has taught him that the objective isn't merely to become adept at riding the rollercoaster of entrepreneurship but to reach a state where the highs and lows no longer dictate his emotional landscape. The concept of equanimity emerges as a desired state—one where external circumstances lose their grip on one’s inner peace. This is not an attitude of disengagement, but rather a refined approach to emotional investment in the business world.

His philosophy is crystallized in a dinner conversation with a friend, echoing Lupe Fiasco's words. The common adage of pursuing happiness is, in his view, a misguided one. Instead, MK posits that the pursuit itself ought to be happiness. Finding joy, meaning, and growth in one's work is the real measure of whether one is on the right path. It's a subtle but profound shift from happiness as a goal to happiness as the journey.

MK gauges his alignment with his work through his emotions—the excitement of starting a new week and the anxious drive at the week's end, fearing time was not maximized. The day these feelings invert is the day he’ll reconsider his commitments. This barometer of passion versus productivity serves as his compass, keeping him engaged in work that fuels rather than drains him.

Key Takeaway: Defining success on your own terms involves identifying what brings you intrinsic joy and pursuing it with relentless passion. MK’s reflections remind us that true happiness in our professional lives is achieved when we relish the journey itself, not just the milestones along the way. When work aligns with our values and excites us consistently, we find ourselves exactly where we need to be.

Harnessing Passion as the Antidote to Burnout
Juan Mendoza, the CEO of The Martech Weekly

Juan draws his inspiration from an unconventional yet stirring source—Steve Irwin, the iconic Crocodile Hunter. Irwin's fervent commitment to wildlife conservation becomes a beacon for Juan, illustrating how unwavering passion can fuel both happiness and success. Like Irwin, Juan is energized by a mission that transcends mere occupation; for him, it's about making sense of the tangled web of technology and marketing, aiming to illuminate paths for others within this intricate maze.

Juan's dedication to his work keeps him up into the wee hours, not out of obligation but from a deep-seated enthusiasm for discovery and education. This zeal parallels Irwin's approach, who was not merely a television personality but a fervent educator and conservationist. Juan recognizes that to be successful and fulfilled, one must be driven by a cause that ignites a “red hot passion,” much like the one that powered Irwin's every action.

The notion that such passion is “kryptonite to burnout” encapsulates Juan's philosophy. It's this intensity that sustains him, allowing for extended work hours without the usual fatigue. However, he doesn’t neglect the fundamentals—adequate sleep, healthy eating, exercise, and maintaining relationships. These are the building blocks that support the demands of a passionate pursuit.

Juan expresses concern that too many people lack a vision for their lives, moving from job to job without a guiding objective. Yet, it’s the individuals with a clear and compelling vision, those who commit to solving problems over a lifetime, that Juan finds truly inspirational. These visionaries do not just exist; they radiate influence, compelling others to follow and learn from their indefatigable drive.

Key Takeaway: Embracing a mission with the fervor of Steve Irwin is essential to withstand the rigors of professional life without succumbing to burnout. Juan’s reflections challenge us to find our own “Crocodile Hunter” mission, an endeavor that ignites such a powerful enthusiasm that work transforms into a source of happiness and inspiration. It’s about being propelled by a vision that's vivid and vibrant, serving not only as a personal beacon but also as a rallying point for others.

Living Your Core Values and Setting the Right Priorities
Once we identify our passions, we naturally seek to align our actions and decisions with what we value most. Several guests mentioned values, making choices, setting priorities and having a north star.

The Art of Juggling Life's Many Roles
Lauren Aquilino, CEO at EMMIE Collective

Lauren's philosophy on maintaining happiness and success centers on a keen awareness of personal values and priorities. He acknowledges that striking a perfect balance is an elusive goal; instead, it's about making choices every day that align with one's core values. Whether it's deciding which social media to engage with or how to allocate time, these decisions shape the work-life balance.

Lauren's anecdote about parenting, shared through an article from Sidney, illustrates the practical nature of his approach. The analogy of juggling glass and plastic balls helps differentiate between critical tasks and those that can withstand a drop. His personal experience at his child's Halloween parade highlights this; forgetting the candy was forgivable, but missing the event would have been a regrettable lapse.

Mental health emerges as a non-negotiable aspect of Lauren's well-being strategy, particularly in the demanding field of marketing operations. He emphasizes the need for mental breaks, citing a personal breaking point as a catalyst for change. Recognizing one's autonomy over their schedule and the ability to say 'no' are critical steps in safeguarding one's mental space.

Career happiness, for Lauren, meant making a conscious decision not to pursue a management path, choosing instead to focus on consultancy where he could grow without managing a team. This choice allowed for a career path aligned with his desire for freedom and his responsibilities at home. He emphasizes that career growth doesn't always mean moving up—it means moving in the direction that fulfills you.

Key Takeaway: Real success is defined by how closely one's life mirrors their values and priorities. Lauren's experiences remind us that we hold the power to choose our path and that by regularly assessing our decisions against our personal values, we can achieve happiness. The true mark of balance isn't a flawless juggling act; it's knowing which balls are made of glass and which are plastic, and making sure the ones that matter most remain in the air.

Navigating the Tightrope of Parenthood and Career
Natalie Miles, Head of Marketing Technology at Chime

Finding a balance can often feel like an unattainable ideal, especially when faced with the demands of both a career and parenthood. Natalie, a parent to a young child, compares daily life to walking a tightrope, a precarious balancing act where one misstep can feel catastrophic. On days like today, when faced with a sick child, the challenge intensifies, but the determination to persevere remains steadfast.

Acceptance is a significant theme in Natalie's narrative—the acknowledgment that not all balls can be kept in the air. On some days, screen time becomes the necessary tool to juggle responsibilities, and work might receive only a fraction of usual attention. This acknowledgment is not a sign of defeat but an exercise in intentionality. It's about making peace with the fact that not every aspect of life can receive 100% focus all the time.

For Natalie, empowerment stems from this very acceptance. Recognizing that it's impossible to be everything to everyone on any given day, and choosing what to prioritize, is an essential skill. Parenthood, in many ways, sharpens the ability to discern what truly matters and align actions accordingly. This skill of prioritization is akin to a superpower, honed by the necessity to focus on the most impactful tasks at hand.

Central to navigating this journey is identifying one's North Star. For Natalie, the child is the beacon guiding all decisions. The career is not just a job but a means to provide for the child, to offer opportunities, and to set an example of living with passion and focus. When values and actions are in harmony, even the toughest decisions come with a certain tranquility.

Key Takeaway: The art of balancing parenting with professional life isn't about perfection but about making informed choices on where to invest energy. By accepting the inevitable trade-offs and identifying a clear North Star, one can navigate the complex interplay of responsibilities with a sense of purpose and empowerment. Natalie's experience reminds us that it's okay not to do it all, as long as we remain true to our core values and what matters most.

Embracing the Trade-Offs in Search of Fulfillment
David Chan, Managing Director at Deloitte Digital

In a world that relentlessly pursues balance, David chooses to navigate life through a series of deliberate trade-offs. He recognizes that allocating time and effort across different areas is a juggling act, where not all balls can be kept in the air simultaneously. Instead of striving for an unattainable perfect balance, he focuses on making intentional choices that align with his priorities, whether it be family, career, or personal interests.

David's approach is rooted in the acceptance of life's inherent give-and-take. He understands that saying 'yes' to one aspect often means saying 'no' to another, and that's not a source of regret but a fact to be embraced. This philosophy frees him from the guilt typically associated with neglecting one area to favor another, allowing him to be fully present in his chosen focus.

The love for his job at Deloitte stems not just from the nature of the work but from the entrepreneurial freedom it provides. Inspired by his parents' small business, he finds satisfaction in constructing teams and carving out his own space within the corporate structure, mirroring the independence of business ownership.

Learning and sharing knowledge fuels David’s enthusiasm for his work and life. He values the lessons gleaned from challenges and mistakes, seeing them not as failures but as opportunities to provide guidance. By imparting his 'pain' as clients' 'gain,' he reframes setbacks as valuable expertise, enriching both his professional practice and his client's experience.

Key Takeaway: Life's equilibrium isn't about perfect balance but about embracing the trade-offs that come with prioritizing what truly matters. David's story is a testament to the power of choice and the peace that comes from pursuing work that resonates deeply with one’s values and goals. His narrative encourages a mindset shift from seeking balance to seeking fulfillment through meaningful engagement where we are most passionate.

The Art of Selective Focus in a Multi-Dimensional World
Scott Brinker, the Martech Landscape creator, the Author of Hacking Marketing, the voice behind

Scott may describe himself as one of the "dullest people on the planet," but his singular focus on martech is anything but monotonous. It's rare to find someone whose day job aligns so closely with their personal passions. Scott is immersed in martech not just as a career but as a genuine interest, blurring the lines between work and play. This congruence is a key element in his happiness—his "hobby" is his work, and his enthusiasm for the field is unfeigned.

Despite his dedication, Scott acknowledges the finite nature of time. He has not discovered a "magical time portal"; instead, he exercises the power of choice. There's an implicit understanding that time is a non-renewable resource, and thus, saying 'no' becomes as important as saying 'yes.' The 'no' is not a rejection but a strategic decision to prioritize his passion and excel within it.

The vastness of opportunities in the tech world is not lost on him; he's aware of the "ton more" that he could be doing. Yet, he chooses to remain selective, focusing on activities that fuel his curiosity and warrant his disciplined attention. This approach may appear unidimensional on the surface, but it’s a calculated methodology to ensure depth and quality in his engagement with martech.

Scott’s strategy is a testament to the power of concentrated effort. It’s about the balancing act of curiosity and focus, allowing for a deep dive into areas that truly captivate him. This discipline of selective focus allows Scott to excel and maintain a level of enthusiasm that might wane if spread too thinly across multiple interests.

Key Takeaway: In a world teeming with distractions and possibilities, the art of achieving happiness and success often lies in the disciplined pursuit of select interests. Scott’s approach demonstrates that depth in a singular passion can be far more rewarding than a scattered focus across multiple domains. The discipline of saying 'no' is just as crucial as the excitement of saying 'yes' when it comes to forging a path lined with genuine enthusiasm and expert knowledge.

Achieving Wellbeing through Physical Health and Structured Routines
Understanding our values lays the groundwork for building sustainable habits that promote our overall well-being. Several guests doubled down on the notion that it’s all too easy to get wrapped up in work and life and forget about our physical health and the importance of routines.

Fostering Balance with Physical Activity and Rest
Ryan Gunn, Director of Demand Gen & Marketing Ops at Aptitude 8

The concept of balance is pivotal to Ryan's approach to life, underscoring the importance of allocating time judiciously across the various demands of his day. In his view, it's not merely about fulfilling obligations like work and sleep but ensuring that no aspect of life excessively overshadows the others. He advocates for a holistic balance, one that includes work, rest, and play in equal measure.

Ryan speaks from experience, having immersed himself so deeply in his professional life that it led to burnout and physical repercussions. This serves as a cautionary tale of the dangers of leaning too far into work without heeding the body's warnings. From this, he learned to recalibrate and place a greater emphasis on well-being, particularly through regular exercise.

His emphasis on physical activity isn't just about health; it's a critical piece of the balance puzzle, offering both mental reprieve and physical benefits. But beyond exercise, Ryan insists on the inclusion of fun and leisure as essential components. For him, it's about finding joy in the day-to-day, whether that's a moment of laughter or a breath of fresh air during a walk outside.

Maintaining this equilibrium requires conscious effort and continual adjustment, akin to an act of juggling where one must remain vigilant not to let any single ball drop. Ryan recognizes that the equilibrium is dynamic, not static, and must be actively managed to prevent the scales from tipping too far in any one direction.

Key Takeaway: Achieving a balanced life means recognizing the importance of not only work and rest but also ensuring regular physical activity and opportunities for enjoyment. Ryan’s experience illustrates the necessity of a proactive approach to prevent burnout by integrating wellness and leisure into the fabric of everyday life. It’s about giving ourselves permission to pause, play, and recharge in the midst of our busy schedules.

Implementing Routines and Boundaries for Work-Life Harmony
Tara Robertson, Head of Demand Generation at Chili Piper

For many, the quest for balance is an ever-shifting challenge, but Tara finds her equilibrium by incorporating structured routines into her life—a discipline surprisingly aided by the presence of her dog. The necessity of twice-daily walks provides a non-negotiable structure that naturally carves out time away from her screen, a crucial practice for remote workers engulfed in the global, always-on culture facilitated by platforms like Slack.

Her commitment to these walks, even amid the harshest winter days, establishes a ritual that bookends her workday, ensuring that her transition into and out of work mode is as screen-free as possible. This routine is more than just exercise; it's a mental health practice that helps Tara delineate her professional and personal time, which is especially valuable in a fully distributed company where the lines can easily blur.

Time blocking emerges as another key strategy in Tara's approach to managing her day. By designating specific hours for specific tasks, including the buffer periods between meetings, she maintains control over her schedule rather than succumbing to the demands of an ever-pinging Slack channel. This deliberate planning extends to all aspects of her calendar, from professional appointments like podcast recordings to those crucial moments of respite needed to maintain her energy throughout the day.

Tara’s method goes beyond simple time management—it’s about establishing boundaries and respecting one’s own time. Her techniques may sound straightforward, but they’re often overlooked in a world that rewards constant connectivity. By giving herself permission to disconnect and by enforcing a schedule that prioritizes her well-being, she navigates her days with intentionality and mindfulness.

Key Takeaway: Tara's story illustrates that finding balance in a remote work environment is achievable through disciplined routines and strategic planning. Establishing clear boundaries for work, as well as committing to personal well-being practices, can lead to a more harmonious and productive life. Her approach reminds us that we have the power to shape our days and that sometimes, the simplest strategies are the most effective.

Humility and Balance in a High-Speed Industry
Wyatt Bales, Chief Customer Officer at Bluprintx

Wyatt's perspective on achieving happiness and success in a fast-paced industry centers on embracing humility and a sense of levity. He believes in keeping the intensity of the martech industry in check by reminding his team that while their work is important, they are not in life-or-death scenarios. This approach allows for a more relaxed atmosphere, helping to alleviate stress and put the day-to-day challenges into a healthier, more manageable perspective.

For Wyatt, the realization that he is part of an industry which offers incredible flexibility is a source of joy. He appreciates the digital life that allows for remote work and travel, emphasizing the rewarding nature of such freedom. This gratitude extends to never taking for granted the opportunities that come with his career, whether it's engaging in insightful podcast discussions or the ability to choose who he works with and from where.

His move to Amsterdam was a conscious decision in pursuit of a better quality of life—a concept he noticed early on in his family's lifestyle. Wyatt observed his parents balancing work on the farm with their presence at family events, embodying a flexible work schedule that prioritized family time. This influence now shapes Wyatt's approach to his own work-life balance, as he intersperses his workday with gym sessions, coffee breaks, and moments of relaxation by the canal.

The metaphor of not being in a coal mine serves as a reminder of how fortunate he is compared to many other professions. This acknowledgment grounds his approach to work and allows him to put in the necessary effort without sacrificing his well-being. For Wyatt, balance means placing physical and mental health at the forefront, investing in people around him, and letting his career follow these priorities.

Key Takeaway: Embracing a lifestyle that prioritizes health, relationships, and flexibility over professional demands can lead to a more balanced and contented existence. Wyatt's journey underscores the importance of humility and perspective in a world that often emphasizes relentless productivity. By choosing to live and work in a way that values personal well-being and investing in others, one can find true satisfaction in an industry that never slows down.

The Serenity of Norway and the Pursuit of Inner Balance
Dan Balcauski, Founder of Product Tranquility

Dan's journey to maintain happiness and success takes him to both physical and introspective landscapes. His experience along the west coast of Norway emerges as a breathtaking highlight. With its steep costs matched by its sheer beauty, Norway serves not just as a travel destination but as a metaphor for the investments we make in search of joy and fulfillment.

It's not the sights alone that hold the essence of Dan's contentment; he describes himself as a seeker, someone on a continuous quest for truth. This pursuit is grounded in a steadfast meditation practice. The discipline of regular meditation provides him with the mental clarity needed to navigate the complexities of life. His commitment to this practice has become a cornerstone of his daily routine, an anchor amidst the flux of daily responsibilities.

Meditation retreats have played a significant role in Dan’s personal development, offering profound experiences that have shaped his approach to balance and well-being. He prioritizes starting his day by centering his thoughts and intentions through meditation, an act that has proven indispensable. Although an afternoon session is ideal, he acknowledges the challenge of fitting it into a busy schedule, reflecting a realistic and relatable struggle to maintain such practices.

Key Takeaway: True happiness and success are often found in the balance between seeking external wonders and cultivating internal peace. Dan's narrative illustrates that while destinations like Norway can provide awe-inspiring experiences, the consistent practice of meditation can offer a more accessible form of daily escape and clarity. His story encourages us to find our own version of Norway—be it a place, a practice, or a passion—and to pursue our own truth with the same dedication we apply to our most valued routines.

Fostering Lifelong Learning and Curiosity for Growth
As our daily routines reinforce our physical health, several guests’ answers focused on our minds and how they crave the expansion that comes with new knowledge and new perspectives.

Cultivating Curiosity for Career Contentment
Tamara Gruzbarg, VP Customer Strategy at ActionIQ

Remaining perpetually inquisitive has been the cornerstone of Tamara's happiness and success. Her career trajectory, dotted with varied roles across different industries, has been fueled by an insatiable desire to learn. The absence of boredom in her professional life isn't serendipitous; it's the result of a deliberate pursuit of novel experiences and knowledge.

Tamara's dedication to learning and adapting her skill set has been a source of joy and engagement. She reflects on her transition from the client side to the vendor side as an enriching chapter, one that threw her into the deep end of a technology-driven environment. It's in these moments of change and challenge that she finds the most satisfaction, diving into the nuances of customer data within diverse frameworks and discovering the universal applications of her expertise.

The past five years, particularly, have marked a period of profound growth and learning for her, symbolizing the essence of what keeps her motivated—continuous education. The joy derived from unraveling new aspects of her field, understanding the mechanics of tech from a fresh perspective, and the day-to-day learning have been central to her sense of fulfillment.

Key Takeaway: The secret to maintaining enthusiasm in one's career lies in an unwavering commitment to curiosity and personal development. Tamara’s journey reveals that when we position continuous learning as our professional modus operandi, not only do we evade stagnation, but we also uncover new dimensions of happiness in our evolving roles.

Embracing Resilience in the Entrepreneurial Landscape
Arun Thulasidharan, CEO & Co-founder at

The entrepreneurial journey is often glamorized, but Arun brings a dose of reality to the conversation with the understanding that a significant majority of efforts may not pan out as expected. Learning early on that failure is a more frequent companion than success, he has come to terms with the unpredictable nature of starting and running a business. The key to his coping mechanism is a resilient mindset that accepts setbacks as part of the process rather than definitive judgments on his endeavors.

His recollection of initial customer interactions that fell through—a scenario that would dishearten many—is telling of his growth. Where once such experiences led to disillusionment, they now are met with a pragmatic approach: an unconverted customer is simply a sign to move on to the next opportunity. This maturity didn't occur overnight but evolved gradually, contributing significantly to his current perspective.

Beyond the acceptance of business challenges, Arun stresses the importance of disconnecting from work to maintain well-being. Time spent playing with his young daughter or unwinding with friends isn't just leisure; it's an integral part of his strategy to stay grounded and mentally healthy. He recognizes that while his career is crucial, it cannot overshadow the other vital aspects of his life.

The separation of professional responsibilities from personal life is what Arun cites as the foundation of his productivity. It’s a compartmentalization that enables him to fully engage in his work when it's time to do so and equally immerse in the joys of family and friendship, thus maintaining a sustainable balance.

Key Takeaway: The entrepreneurial path is fraught with trials, and success lies in developing resilience and the ability to pivot without losing stride. Arun’s approach underscores the necessity of cultivating a mindset that sees failure as a routine part of the game and balancing intense work with the rejuvenating company of loved ones. This equilibrium is essential not just for surviving the rigors of business but for thriving in every aspect of life.

Embracing Evolution: The Entrepreneurial Journey of Continuous Growth
Pini Yakuel, the Founder and CEO of Optimove 

Pini’s approach to maintaining balance and happiness is deeply rooted in the concept of evolution—a constant, intentional journey of growth. He frames his career as a series of deliberate choices rather than obligations, highlighting the autonomy he possesses. This perspective is key to his satisfaction; the idea of choosing his path lends a sense of empowerment to his daily work.

The entrepreneurial spirit thrives on adaptation and learning. For Pini, the growth of his company isn't just a corporate goal; it's a personal challenge. He finds himself perpetually in roles that stretch his capabilities, doing jobs he's never done before. This continuous venture into the unknown keeps him sharp and engaged. It's a challenging aspect of his work, but also a thrilling one, ensuring that his professional life is never stagnant.

Pini’s enjoyment of his work is magnified by the opportunity to correct his own errors. This ability to rectify mistakes is a form of freedom that many yearn for but seldom attain. The privilege of navigating through challenges and emerging successful is a source of profound fulfillment for him. It’s not just about solving problems but about the autonomy and learning that comes from the process.

His perspective redefines freedom in the workplace, emphasizing personal accountability and the joy of learning from one's own experiences. This hands-on approach to problem-solving and growth has shaped his career and personal happiness.

Key Takeaway: Personal growth and the freedom to learn from one's own mistakes are at the heart of job satisfaction and success. Pini’s narrative offers a compelling perspective: viewing challenges as opportunities to grow and embracing the discomfort of the unfamiliar can lead to a fulfilling professional journey. It’s an empowering reminder that the path to happiness often lies in the pursuit of continuous evolution and self-directed improvement.

Embracing the Present for a More Fulfilling Life
While curiosity broadens our horizons, for a few guests it also deepens their appreciation for the present moment and the journey itself.

Choosing Happiness and Defining Success on Your Own Terms
Deanna Ballew, Senior Vice President of DXP Products at Acquia

The pursuit of happiness and success is often seen as a complex, elusive goal, but Deanna brings it back to basics with a clear mantra: happiness is a choice, and success is a personal definition. She rejects the notion that joy and accomplishment are external milestones waiting to be stumbled upon. Instead, she portrays them as deliberate pursuits, choices that one must actively engage with.

Throughout her career, spanning multiple industries and roles, Deanna has approached each transition with a proactive mindset. The impetus for change has always been her desire for personal growth and satisfaction, leading her to opportunities that resonate with her ambitions. Her path is a testament to the power of seeking out one's own happiness rather than expecting it to arrive unbidden.

Success, as Deanna outlines, is equally a matter of personal conviction, shaped by individual values rather than societal benchmarks. For her, it has evolved from chasing titles to fostering teams, developing new products, and managing organizational changes. It's about appreciating the journey and recognizing the milestones, measuring them not just by the endpoint but by the progression.

Balance, especially as a mother and executive, is reframed in her philosophy. The traditional scorecard of work versus life is replaced with a more holistic view of fulfillment. For Deanna, fulfillment is an ever-shifting target, adapting to life's different stages. Whether it's pursuing an MBA in her late 30s or applying her learnings to her organization, she emphasizes the importance of seizing the right moments for personal and professional growth.

Key Takeaway: Fulfillment and success are not static endpoints but dynamic processes that demand active participation. By choosing to pursue happiness, defining success on your own terms, and measuring progress against personal benchmarks, one can live a life that is not only accomplished but also deeply satisfying. It's about knowing when to strive for more and when to appreciate the present state of fulfillment.

Balancing Career Ambitions with Family Time
Kate Nowrouzi, VP of Deliverability at Mailgun by Sinch

Kate's reflection on her career trajectory reveals a gradual but significant shift in her life's priorities. Early in her professional journey, business trips and long work hours dominated her schedule, often at the expense of family time. Now, with her children in college and returning home for the summer, she consciously adjusts her workday, aiming to conclude around the late afternoon to ensure she's there for them—a stark contrast to her previous routine that extended into the night.

This change, she muses, might be attributed to the wisdom that comes with age or a retrospective acknowledgment of missed moments, like her children's tennis matches. Kate's evolving perspective underscores a common reevaluation that occurs as one progresses through life; past regrets become instructive, reshaping current decisions and future paths.

For Kate, being present for her family has emerged as a paramount concern. This newfound commitment to presence extends beyond mere physical availability; it is an emotional and mental shift to prioritize relationships over relentless work. This recalibration is reflective of a broader trend where professionals seek to align their careers with personal values and well-being.

Letting go becomes a recurring theme in Kate’s narrative. The realization that staying in an unsatisfactory job only hinders happiness prompted her to step away sooner rather than later. It’s a lesson in self-care—releasing what doesn’t serve your well-being to make room for what does. By listening to her heart and aligning her actions with her values, Kate has found a more fulfilling path.

Key Takeaway: Kate’s story is a powerful reminder that success isn’t solely measured by professional accomplishments but by the ability to be present for the moments that matter most. It's about making conscious choices that honor both personal relationships and professional responsibilities. The courage to walk away from what no longer serves you, to listen more to the heart, can significantly enhance your overall happiness and life satisfaction.

Enhancing Happiness Through the Power of Giving
In appreciating the now, a few guests recognized the importance of extending our impact beyond ourselves, which leads us to the role of giving back in feeling successful and happy.

Carving Out Moments for Joy and Impact in a Busy Life
Sara McNamara, Senior Manager, Marketing Operations at Salesforce

Ensuring happiness amid a demanding schedule, Sara believes, is largely about intentionally setting aside time for enjoyment. She views this strategy as straightforward yet crucial—prioritizing fun is essential, not trivial. Whether it’s quality time with loved ones, embracing the thrill of travel, or indulging in fresh experiences, these activities infuse his life with excitement and a sense of fulfillment.

Sara emphasizes the profound satisfaction she derives from giving back, recounting how creating a course to guide others into the marketing operations field was a decision he questioned time-wise. However, the enthusiastic response from a prospective student reminded her of the significant impact he could make. This connection—helping someone to improve their life and provide for their family—was not only affirming but deeply motivating.

Balancing professional rigor with light-hearted leisure is a formula Sara advocates for maintaining personal well-being. After a day immersed in the technicalities of his work, she finds respite in the unapologetic simplicity of reality television. The contrast between her complex work and the entertainment she enjoys is a deliberate tactic to unwind and inject humor into her daily life.

The blend of making meaningful contributions and ensuring personal enjoyment is what keeps Sara grounded. It’s not just about meeting professional milestones or scaling career heights; it’s equally about the moments of levity and the opportunity to make a difference in someone else’s journey.

Key Takeaway: True happiness stems from a balance between meaningful work and personal pleasures. Sara’s approach highlights the importance of actively creating space for experiences that bring joy and the value of endeavors that enrich the lives of others. It's a reminder that sometimes, the simplest pastimes, like enjoying a favorite TV show, are necessary counterweights to the complexities of a professional life.

Cultivating Happiness Through the Act of Giving
Aliaksandra Lamachenka, Marketing Technology Consultant and Nonprofit founder

Aliaksandra's philosophy for maintaining happiness amid her bustling life is deeply rooted in the act of giving back. Her approach goes beyond the simple transaction of exchange and delves into the broader and more fulfilling aspect of contribution to the community. Through sharing knowledge, whether it's posting insightful articles on LinkedIn or engaging in initiatives like, she finds a special kind of joy that isn't derived from personal gain.

The act of mentorship, a commitment she undertakes with individuals looking to advance in their careers, is particularly significant. Each session is an opportunity not only to guide but also to uplift both herself and the person she’s helping. This reciprocal exchange, where both parties grow, encapsulates the essence of true giving.

Aliaksandra’s method is a testament to the power of altruism in fostering happiness. By facilitating sales of nilotica—an enterprise likely aimed at improving lives—she experiences a boost in well-being. It's not merely the act of selling but the knowledge that each transaction contributes to a greater good that brings her a profound sense of satisfaction.

Her strategy suggests that success is not a zero-sum game. Instead, it can be measured by the positive impact one has on others. The contentment she gains from her charitable acts reinforces the idea that giving back can enrich one’s life in unexpected and meaningful ways.

Key Takeaway: Happiness, according to Aliaksandra, is a byproduct of generosity. By prioritizing giving back, be it through sharing expertise, mentorship, or ethical business practices, one can experience a deeper sense of joy that goes beyond traditional measures of success. Her stance offers a compelling reminder that in the pursuit of personal and professional fulfillment, what we give often returns to us, enhancing our own sense of purpose and joy.

Empowering Personal Success Through the Strength of Relationships
The act of giving then connects us back to others, the community around us, where our personal growth and contributions come full circle. Several guests centered their answers around their friends, coworkers and family.

The Power of Positive Associations in Achieving Balance
Boris Jabes, the Co-Founder & CEO at Census

Boris’s strategy for navigating the demands of his professional and personal life is as straightforward as it is profound: it is the company he keeps. The significance of community is a recurrent theme in his narrative. At work, his colleagues are more than just coworkers; they’re a source of inspiration and joy. Outside the office, friends and his spouse play an equally vital role, contributing to a support system that lifts him higher.

For Boris, the distinction between the various relationships in his life is less important than the overall quality of these connections. His enthusiasm for interaction is palpable—he looks forward to being in the office, a sentiment that might seem at odds with the modern trend towards remote work, but it underscores the value he places on physical presence and community.

His relationships are not passive; they actively inspire him to achieve more. This inspiration translates into a greater zest for life and work, which in turn fuels his success. Boris's anticipation to engage with his colleagues is a testament to the positive environment he has helped to cultivate at his workplace.

The energy he derives from being around great people doesn't just help him cope—it propels him forward, blurring the lines between work and pleasure. This blurring is not a source of confusion but a harmonization of his environment with his ambitions.

Key Takeaway: Surrounding oneself with uplifting and inspiring individuals can be a powerful method for maintaining balance and happiness in life. Boris’s experience suggests that the quality of our relationships can greatly influence our ability to thrive in both personal and professional realms. It’s a reminder that success is not just an individual pursuit but a collective experience shaped by the people with whom we choose to spend our time.

Nurturing Balance Between Work and Personal Bonds
Tejas Manohar, Co-founder and Co-CEO at Hightouch

In the quest for balance, Tejas turns to the age-old wisdom of nurturing personal relationships and engaging in diverse hobbies. He underscores that at the core of our professional hustle, we are all human, seeking fulfillment beyond the confines of work. Investing in relationships—with family, friends—and dedicating time to activities that disconnect him from work responsibilities are not just pastimes but essential components of his well-being.

Embracing new challenges every few months, Tejas finds joy in the process of learning and the freshness it brings to his life. Whether it's experimenting with new recipes or exploring powerlifting, these activities serve as a counterbalance to the inevitable stress that comes with managing the highs and lows of his company. It’s this oscillation between focused work efforts and personal pursuits that sustains his motivation and happiness.

His approach reflects a dynamic way of living, one that accepts that being an amateur in various endeavors is not only acceptable but enriching. It's a reminder that expertise in one field does not preclude the enjoyment of growth and learning in others. Tejas's willingness to pick up a harmonica or delve into powerlifting epitomizes the essence of a well-rounded life.

The playful nod to an AI-dominated future adds a layer of humor to his narrative, perhaps a subtle acknowledgment of the ever-changing landscape of technology and work. Yet, it also reinforces the value of those uniquely human experiences—relationships and hobbies—that technology cannot replicate.

Key Takeaway: Achieving happiness and success is as much about the strength of our personal bonds and the variety of our interests as it is about our professional achievements. Tejas's story encourages us to regularly step out of our work personas and invest time in learning new skills and nurturing relationships. This balance is crucial for maintaining a sense of self and ensuring that life remains full, no matter what the future holds.

Balancing Success with a Supportive Partnership
Bobby Tichy, Co-Founder and Chief Solutions Officer at Stitch

Bobby credits a significant part of his happiness and success to the quality time spent with his spouse. Mornings begin with walks, a simple yet profound routine that sets the tone for the day. These walks are more than just exercise; they are a shared experience, a time for connection and grounding before the rush of the day sets in.

Their relationship extends beyond the walks, with trips and frequent hangouts, illustrating that companionship is deeply woven into Bobby's daily life. What stands out is not just the quantity of time spent together but the quality. Bobby has married his best friend, an ideal that while often spoken about, is seldom realized to this extent. This partnership is multifaceted—spouse, confidante, and motivator.

The dynamic is unique; it's rare to find someone who can challenge you and be the bedrock of your joy. Bobby's spouse is integral to his work life as well, possessing an understanding of Bobby's professional world, enabling him to be a partner in every sense of the word.

Key Takeaway: A fulfilling personal relationship can be a cornerstone of professional success and happiness. Finding a partner who can play multiple roles in your life—ally, adviser, and supporter—can create a powerful dynamic that fuels both personal satisfaction and professional growth.

Navigating the Process of Work-Life Integration
Mike Rizzo, Founder and CEO of Marketing

Mike's daily life involves a delicate balancing act, one that many professionals are familiar with—juggling a fervent passion for work with the responsibilities of being a good husband and father. The remote work dynamic plays a pivotal role in this equation. It affords him the flexibility to be physically present at home, a benefit that comes with its own set of challenges, but also with undeniable rewards. The image of stepping out of an office space and immediately being available for his family illustrates a modern-day perk that many strive for.

While the kids being in daycare allows for uninterrupted work time, like during the podcast, Mike seizes the opportunity to blend his work schedule with family time. His honesty about being a 'work in progress' resonates deeply, especially in a culture that often pressures individuals to project a facade of having it all figured out. Acknowledging that the management of his work-life balance has been less than perfect shows a vulnerability that is both relatable and commendable.

The organization and community that Mike is dedicated to building require immense work, and that reality has meant that his work-life balance has sometimes tipped more heavily towards work. Yet, he doesn't stand alone in this; his family's support is a testament to the collective belief in the importance and potential of his endeavors.

Looking ahead, Mike expresses optimism, the belief that the situation is improving, and anticipation for a future where his efforts within the company translate into financial stability, reducing the need for extra side jobs. It’s this forward-looking mindset, coupled with the understanding and support of his family, that fuels his drive and determination.

Key Takeaway: The journey towards achieving balance between professional drive and personal life is an ongoing process, especially in a remote work setting. It requires transparency, the support of loved ones, and the optimism to see through the immediate challenges to a future where balance is not just a possibility but a reality. Mike's story is a powerful reminder that it's not about perfection, but progress and support systems that make the balancing act feasible.

The Entrepreneurial Spirit Meets Personal Fulfillment
Pratik Desai, Founder and Chief Architect at 1to1

Pratik approaches the balancing act of life with a mindset that is refreshingly pragmatic yet infused with a passion for what he does. The core of his contentment seems to stem from a blend of professional drive and personal passions. The acknowledgment that even if his entrepreneurial ventures were to falter, he has the skill set to be employed elsewhere, is a safety net that fuels his confidence rather than a fallback plan. His wife, a recurring anchor in his narrative, reiterates the notion that Pratik's business is indeed his job, blurring the lines between work and personal enterprise.

It's his integration of passion for AI with problem-solving that makes his work feel less like a job and more like a calling. This intrinsic motivation is key to his happiness. Beyond the work, Pratik emphasizes the importance of recharging, an aspect often neglected in the hustle culture. Time spent with his dog and wife, backpacking and hitting the road for hikes, is not just leisure but a conscious effort to rejuvenate.

Celebrating the small victories is another aspect where Pratik has learned to pause and appreciate progress. His wife's influence is significant here, ensuring they take a moment to honor their achievements, whether it’s the growth of his agency or personal milestones, sometimes with something as simple as enjoying a Thai dinner.

The team Pratik has built is another pillar of his success. The willingness of team members to step up, irrespective of their roles, to tackle challenges, reflects the strong community he has fostered within his agency. This collaborative spirit undoubtedly contributes to not only the agency’s success but also to Pratik’s personal satisfaction.

Pratik's conscious decision to distance himself from social media’s competitive landscape highlights a self-awareness that’s crucial in today's digital age. Rather than measuring himself against others, his focus is on self-improvement, a strategy that has proven to be both fulfilling and effective.

Key Takeaway: True balance comes from aligning your work with your passions, taking time to recharge, appreciating the journey, fostering a supportive team, and focusing on personal growth rather than external validation. Pratik’s experience underscores that success and happiness are not just about reaching the destination but also about cherishing the path taken and the people who walk it with you.

Episode Recap
Achieving happiness and success is about marrying passion with profession, setting personal benchmarks for success, and making time for what's vital. It requires the courage to say no and the wisdom to chase what genuinely fulfills us.

The idea is to pursue a vision with fervor, seek work that mirrors our values, and understand which commitments are crucial. It's less about perfection in balancing every aspect of life and more about informed prioritizing and embracing trade-offs.

Maintaining well-being alongside professional ambitions calls for setting clear boundaries, integrating rest and play into our routines, and choosing simplicity over constant hustle. Personal growth and learning from mistakes are essential for job satisfaction and resilience.

Generosity, cultivating meaningful relationships, and nurturing diverse interests enrich not only our careers but also our personal lives. Supportive partnerships are often the backbone of professional growth and emotional well-being.

Main takeaway: Balance is a continuous journey rather than a final destination, involving passion alignment, personal recharging, and appreciation of life's path, including those who accompany us along the way. And never underestimate the power of a well-timed 'no' to maintain balance and propel your journey forward.


Intro music by Wowa via Unminus
Cover art created with Midjourney

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Future-proofing the humans behind the tech. Follow Phil Gamache on his mission to help marketers level up and have successful careers in the constantly expanding universe of martech.