Understanding the Sefiros

Hod - Revealing hat is Inside. Hod stems  from Gevurah to overcome your arrogance and admit & thank that Hashem and others are helping your victories. Hod & the Beracha of Modim, Al Hanisim, and Birchas Kohanim. The opposite of 'Hod' is 'Davah.' The difference between the beauty of Tiferes & he beauty of Hod. Rashbi & Hod Shebehod. Practical Avoda of Hod : 1) Giving hashem and other credit - humility; 2) Bring out all your hidden talents. Do not regret what you did not do in life.

What is Understanding the Sefiros?

Understand the Mystical Sefiros and their relevance in developing a deeper relationship with Hashem & Mitzva observance. This series is based on the Sefer "Da'as HaSefiros" which incorporates the teachings of Rabbi Reuven Shlosberg (Jerusalem) which explain the conduct of hashem and recognizing our own human spiritual essence.