Cumi Cheree

In this episode, we discuss the importance of waiting on God and letting go of expectations. We explore the idea that just as John the Baptist prepared the way for Jesus, there is a process of preparation in our own lives. We emphasize the need to surrender our desires and expectations to God, recognizing that His plans may be different from ours. The conversation also touches on the dangers of idolatry and the importance of putting God first in our lives.

Grounding Scripture
Wait on the Lord / Isaiah 40:27-31

Other Scriptures Referenced 
Lay aside the weights / Hebrews 12:1
God-given Desires / Psalm 37:4 

  • Waiting on God is an important part of our journey, and we should trust that He has a plan for us.
  • We need to let go of our expectations and desires, surrendering them to God and trusting His timing.
  • Idolatry can occur when we prioritize something or someone above God, and we should be mindful of this in our lives.
  • Putting God first and seeking a daily relationship with Him can prevent us from relying on Him only in times of need. Waiting on God's promises requires strength, courage, and faith.
  • Immerse yourself in the Word, pray, and praise while waiting.
  • Expect God to fulfill what He has promised.
  • Pass on the blessings to others.

What is Cumi Cheree ?

Cumi Cheree means "Arise, Beloved." Cumi Cheree is a fresh invitation to women to embody the rest that comes from trusting God. As we embark on this wellness journey with you, we will explore our personal struggles and victories--as well as those of other women. We look forward to being vulnerable with you--for it is when we are weak that we are strong.