Seriously Funny Wellbeing

 In this episode, we dive into a fascinating medical study linking tattoos to lymphomas. Turns out, inking your skin might slightly bump up your cancer risk—no, it's not a horror movie plot twist! Our host breaks down the science behind it and throws in some colorful commentary about why bumper stickers belong on cars, not bodies. Then, we veer into the wild world of nanotechnology, and wrap up with a lively debate on the perks of Vitamin D and the surprising calorie-burning effects of watching horror movies. Tune in for laughs, health tips, and maybe a new perspective on that tattoo you were considering! 

Join Homer and Dr. Ross at Global Business Camps 3 Day Wellness Program on Feb 24-25 2025:

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What is Seriously Funny Wellbeing?

Join Australia's leading comic speechmaker, Homer Papantonio, and renowned cardiologist, Dr. Ross Walker, for a podcast that blends humor and health in a way you’ve never heard before. "The Seriously Funny Wellbeing Podcast" delivers top-notch insights on wellness and well-being with a satirical twist. Get ready to laugh, learn, and live better—it's not for the faint-hearted!