Behavior Gap Radio

On this episode of Behavior Gap Radio, Carl dispels the misconception that passionately pursuing your craft and earning a living are incompatible pursuits. He talks through the significance of viewing profit as validation to continue making a meaningful impact in your work. With an emphasis on a service-oriented mindset, integrity, and sustainability, Carl urges listeners to embrace profit not as a taboo, but as a crucial tool for sustaining their dedication to excellence and service. Hear Carl speak about the harmony between purpose-driven work and financial success.

Carl released a series of five episodes from Behavior Gap Radio on using a lifestyle business to create freedom in your life. You'll hear Carl's thoughts on what it means to use a lifestyle business to optimize for freedom in your life and get a behind-the-scenes look at the tools we use around here at Behavior Gap to optimize for freedom. Carl also created a list of must-read resources to dive deeper into the material. Just tell us where to send you the episodes!

What is Behavior Gap Radio?

Greetings...Carl here.

This podcast is super simple, it's me wandering through the world noticing things about how to align my use of capital (time and money) with what is actually important to me.
