Devs Do Something

Today’s guest is with Devtooligan - a pseudonymous smart contract engineer and auditor. 
Devtooligan is a mainstay in the Huff community and just recently landed a job as a security engineer at Trail of Bits. In this episode we went deep into Huff & why so many Huffoors have had lots of success. We also discussed Devtooligan’s career path and his journey leveling up with smart contract security.

00:00 Intro
3:33 How devtooligan got into crypto
6:48 Working at Yield Protocol, Ethernaut, Getting into Huff, 
12:30 Why learn Huff?
16:35 What has Solidity done well?
20:02 What should the Huff community work on?
23:00 Why have Huffors had success?
27:40 Getting better with smart contract security
37:55 What does Devtooligan’s audit process look like?
43:53 What can smart contract devs be better at? (Documentation)
48:31 AI tooling & auditing
51:45 Tinkering is what drives innovation

Useful Links:
-Devtooligan on Twitter:
-Security reference, exercises, and tips:
-Huff main site:
-Statecharts and state machines:
-ToB Youtube channel:
-Fuzzing workshop:
-How to prepare for an audit:

What is Devs Do Something?

A technical podcast for web3 developers.

A Superfluid production.