Just Fake It: Coming to LA

Nora and Maryna host Alice Wang and Celine Lee, movie professionals from Taiwan. The discussion covers various interesting facets of filmmaking in Taiwan and their experiences working in the industry. Alice shares her passion for directing action films and elaborates on their latest project 'Sword of Honor,' which uniquely combines modern action with AI and new tech. Celine, despite being new to acting, had to learn to take on a lead action role. 

We explore the evolution of the film industry with modern technology and AI, reminiscing about their times at the Cannes Film Festival. The conversation also delves into cultural impressions of Los Angeles, personal experiences, and their future projects, promising more innovation and excitement in the movie world.

00:00 Intro
01:26 Alice and Celine's Background
02:37 Cannes Film Festival Connections
03:28 Alice's Movie Career
04:43 Innovative 3D Technology in Films
08:26 Celine's Acting Journey
14:28 New Projects and Desert Filming
20:23 First Impressions of LA
25:36 Navigating LA
27:31 Alice's Journey in Filmmaking
31:17 The Evolution of the Film Industry
34:26 Mulan Angels: East Meets West
39:25 The Future of Action and CGI
41:55 Dream Projects and Inspirations
48:41 Advice for Aspiring Filmmakers

What is Just Fake It: Coming to LA?

Welcome to Just Fake It: Coming to LA podcast. I am Nora from Kazakhstan, and I'm Maryna from Ukraine. We're just two girls who are trying to make our mark in this crazy, beautiful city of Los Angeles. It's about our journey, the highs, the lows and everything in between.

It's for anyone who's ever had a dream that seemed a little bit out of reach. So why should you listen? Well, because we're living this right now and we're figuring it out as we go, and we're not afraid to share the real deal, our mess ups, the breakthroughs real stories about navigating life in LA, the trends that catch our eyes, and the adventures that come with trying to stand out in the capital of entertainment and glamour. We're here to share our experiences, the good ones, the bad ones, the hilarious, and maybe inspire you to chase your own dreams, no matter where you are.

So come hang out with us on Just Fake It: Coming to LA. It's not about just making or breaking it. It's about living it one day at a time, and we're so excited to take you on a journey with us and build the community of dreamers just like ourselves.