Minimum Viable Podcast

On the first episode of the Minimum Viable Podcast, Doug picks Owen's brain about the most important skills and factors that will lead you to success in early stage businesses.

Doug and Owen discuss: 
  • The transition into management roles
  • Why people and culture are so important
  • The initial steps of hiring a team
  • The benefits of situational interviews
  • The 4 factors to consider when hiring your team.
  • Hiring for larger organizations
  • How to properly select the right candidates for the role
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What is Minimum Viable Podcast?

Startups want to talk with Owen Sagness. As an entrepreneur in residence, Owen has recognized the common problem earlier stage companies face. He has an outstanding track record building some of the world’s largest online businesses. Every week, his co-host and serial entrepreneur Doug Armour will pick Owen’s brain about the common problems new ventures face as they start up and scale up.