Product People

Josh started out trying to build a "GitHub for music." When that idea didn't pan out, he still wanted to do something with Web Audio and WebRTC. So he started building Zencastr, which gives podcasters the ability to record "double-ender" interviews in the browser.

Show Notes

Josh started out trying to build a "GitHub for music." When that idea didn't pan out, he still wanted to do something with Web Audio and WebRTC. So he started building Zencastr, which gives podcasters the ability to record "double-ender" interviews in the browser.

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Show notes
"I asked a podcaster I knew how much he'd pay, and he said '$20 / month' so that's what I used for a price."

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Creators & Guests

Justin Jackson
⚡ Bootstrapping, podcasting, calm companies, business ethics. Co-founder of @transistorfm (podcast hosting).
Programmer, synthesizer enthusiast, nap connoisseur. Currently working on @zencastr, a tool for quality conscious podcasters

What is Product People?

A podcast focused on great products and the people who make them