Miranda Warnings

Miranda Warnings Trailer Bonus Episode 139 Season 1

U.S. Supreme Court Roundtable: Immunity, Ethics and Term Limits

The U.S. Supreme Court continues to make news with its decisions this spring on issues from presidential immunity to the role federal agencies play in making and enforcing government regulations.

The Miranda Warnings Roundtable tackled these and other questions during a lively podcast this month.

The panelists, Vin Bonventre, a professor of constitutional law at Albany Law School, and communications and political strategist Liz Benjamin started the discussion by reacting to the court’s decision on presidential immunity from criminal prosecution.

What is Miranda Warnings?

Join NYSBA’s 118th President David Miranda each week as he interviews some of the biggest names in law and politics. Each week he discusses all things legal – and some that are not. You have the right to remain listening.