FairPlay | Challenging Wrongful Convictions in America

VAMJ with DCMJ Helped Legalize Cannabis in Virginia on July 1 2021.  Now they want the non-violent marijuana convictions thrown out so people can finally go home. December 6 2021 | Imran Siddiqui | Justice News.
Once there was a time, long long time ago, when people didn't have to look shocked or dumbfounded if someone mentioned the word, Marijuana or Cannabis. In fact, no one even bothered, they used it in many different ways and extracts of it were available over the counter, like Aspirin today, but just better.
It's been a long time coming for Marijuana Justice in America. Decades of locking people up just because they were consuming a plant that God created, while allowing all the harmful chemicals, actually poison in your food, to be a part of our daily diet. Look at the consequences on your own health because of the garbage that we eat or put in our bodies.
Michael Krawitz cofounder of VAMJ Virginia Marijuana Justice and executive director of VMCA, Veterans for Medical Cannabis Access, after legalizing Cannabis in Virginia, a southern state where tobacco was monopolized, he wants to do more. Michael says, together with VAMJ cofounders Rachel Ramone Donlan from DCMJ and Lennice Werth from the Virginians Against Drug Violence, they are now focusing on criminal justice reform and working towards releasing all non-violent Cannabis offenders suffering long jail terms in prisons across Virginia.
Read the full post on The JBlog. Listen to this episode on FairPlay. Justice Has No Color.

Show Notes

VAMJ with DCMJ Helped Legalize Cannabis in Virginia on July 1 2021.  Now they want the non-violent marijuana convictions thrown out so people can finally go home. December 6 2021 | Imran Siddiqui | Justice News.

Once there was a time, long long time ago, when people didn't have to look shocked or dumbfounded if someone mentioned the word, Marijuana or Cannabis. In fact, no one even bothered, they used it in many different ways and extracts of it were available over the counter, like Aspirin today, but just better.

It's been a long time coming for Marijuana Justice in America. Decades of locking people up just because they were consuming a plant that God created, while allowing all the harmful chemicals, actually poison in your food, to be a part of our daily diet. Look at the consequences on your own health because of the garbage that we eat or put in our bodies.

Michael Krawitz cofounder of VAMJ Virginia Marijuana Justice and executive director of VMCA, Veterans for Medical Cannabis Access, after legalizing Cannabis in Virginia, a southern state where tobacco was monopolized, he wants to do more. Michael says, together with VAMJ cofounders Rachel Ramone Donlan from DCMJ and Lennice Werth from the Virginians Against Drug Violence, they are now focusing on criminal justice reform and working towards releasing all non-violent Cannabis offenders suffering long jail terms in prisons across Virginia.

Read the full post on The JBlog. Listen to this episode on FairPlay. Justice Has No Color.

What is FairPlay | Challenging Wrongful Convictions in America?

FairPlay is an original discussion series on Wrongful Convictions from JustcieNews.Net where a "Fair" dialog takes place from the vantage point of the accused, and brings forward those voices that are mostly ignored by the society. Hosted by Justice News managing editor Imran Siddiqui, FairPlay sheds light on the injustices in the U.S. justice system, based on facts, data, and ground realities, without any fear to speak the truth. FairPlay, Conversations@JusticeNews, uncovers a wide variety of issues ranging from criminal justice reform to racial discrimination, bias, corruption, cruel and unusual punishment, rehabilitation, and seeking justice for the wrongly convicted. FairPlay guests come from all walks of life sharing their perspectives and real-life experiences that are directly impacted by decisions made within the U.S. judicial systems.
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