Data-Driven Selling By Sales Insights Lab

Be sure to register for my free training on, "The 5-Step Formula to Closing More Deals without the Price Pushback, 'Think-It-Overs' or Ghosting"

Welcome to another episode of Data Driven Insights by the Sales Insights Lab! I'm your host, Marc Wayshak, and today we’re diving deep into the common pitfalls that hold salespeople back. Drawing on my experience working with thousands of sales reps every year, I’ve identified the three most crushing mistakes that are costing you sales and, more importantly, how you can avoid them. 

Whether you're selling like everyone else, winging your questions, or falling into the trap of sporadic prospecting, these missteps are killers. Tune in as we uncover actionable strategies to break free from these habits and start closing more deals today. Let's get started!

Most salespeople make the same three crushing mistakes. Watch this video to make sure you’re not one of them!

Every year, I work with thousands of salespeople across industries. As a result, I get a bird’s eye view of what’s going on in today’s fast-changing marketplace. What I’ve discovered is this: The vast majority of salespeople make the same mistakes, over and over again. And they don’t even seem to realize it. 

The challenge is, most salespeople can’t recognize when they’re making one of these critical mistakes. If they did, they’d stop right away—because these mistakes are slowly killing their sales. 

In this video, I’m going to show you three crushing mistakes most salespeople are making—and most importantly, how to avoid them. Check it out!

So, there you have it: Three crushing mistakes most salespeople make. Have you ever made one of these mistakes before? If so, what was the result? I want to hear from you. Be sure to share below in the comments section. I’ll respond to every comment I possibly can.

Creators & Guests

Marc Wayshak
Founder of Sales Insight Labs | Host of Data Driven Selling Podcast | Sales Data Geek
Cameron Stack
Producer | Partner at Podcast Sins Production and Strategy Firm

What is Data-Driven Selling By Sales Insights Lab?

This data-driven sales podcast helps reps and business owners generate more meetings and close more sales at higher prices without the cheezy old-school high-pressure sales tactics.

Each Thursday, we will give you step-by-step techniques that you can immediately implement into your daily selling to blow up your sales.

Also, be sure to register for the free training on the 5-Step Formula to Closing More Deals without Price Pushback, ‘Think-It-Overs’ and Ghosting by visiting