The Lesley Riddoch Podcast

The Lesley Riddoch Podcast Trailer Bonus Episode 698 Season 1

Stories Untold

Stories UntoldStories Untold


A Nordic perspective on the Russia/Ukraine crisis. Boris Johnson's flying visit to Scotland. SNP and Greens split over "Greenports". Back to the future with pensions scare.

Show Notes

The front pages are full of the ongoing Russia/Ukraine crisis. Lesley brings her Nordic lens to bear on the situation and asks what lies behind the super power posturing.
If you want to know more about this,register for the Nordic Horizons event-- Nordic reactions to the Russian Challenge- March 10 7pm GMT.
 Free but you need to register.
All details
Boris Johnson made his much heralded visit to Scotland on Monday. But who was he really speaking to? Certainly not Douglas Ross and the Scottish Tories and definitely not the 75% of the Scottish public who think he should resign over Partygate.
A definite split emerged between the SNP and the Greens over the Scottish Government's decision to engage with Westminster and set up so called "Greenports".This also after opposition to this at conference and from the SNP Trade Union Group. 
The issue of pensions post independence reared its head again this week. Another iteration of Project Fear, yes, but also a timely reminder that not only does policy in areas like pensions, currency, and borders need to be clarified but that any successful campaign has to be built around more than facts and figures. We need stories to tell of how Scotland has got to where we are now, and how our future can be so much better.

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What is The Lesley Riddoch Podcast?

Scottish politics dissected from a left, pro-independence stance. Each week, award-winning broadcaster and journalist, Lesley Riddoch chews over the week’s news with former media lecturer and Dundee United fan, Pat Joyce. If you like intelligent, quirky chat about Scottish society and culture, and Scottish, UK and international politics analysed from a Scottish perspective; this podcast is for you.