Imperfectly Human: A Transparent Walk With Mr. Daley

On this episode of the Imperfectly Human podcast, Mr Daley and Dr Johnson continue their discussion on the storms of life. This week they focus on fear in the midst of the storm, storms as signs of trouble and faith during a storm.

Show Notes

[00:00:56] Terrence: [00:00:56] All right. So we welcome you to part two or weathering the storm, I guess slash ship wrecked now

so if you watch them so far, last week, we kind of ended on something that David said about, you know, us being the conduit for God. And then he works through us to then, bless other people, instead of everything coming to us and this kind of hoarding all the blessings for ourselves. And then, um, I kinda mentioned about being shipwrecked.

You know, about God we're to ship wreck our life. Go. We have so many things around us. You have to sometimes strip it down to just him and just allow him to be all we need. And I think with so much in the world right now, For us to aspire to have whether it's houses or money clothes or influence or whatever.

It's always more things want to [00:01:56] add around this. And he got like, man, where the space for me, where am I in all these rooms out of these things that you got going on around you. And so sometimes he has to strip all the way to see you. Hey, you said you follow me. You know, you follow me if you don't have that?  If I don't bring that back to you.

So, um, the, uh, so we'll go, we'll go into the questions. Uh, so the first question is why do we allow fear to overcome us in the midst of a storm? 

David: [00:02:32] So, um,

If I take us back to what I said when I was describing what a storm means to me,

when we, are in the midst of a storm, we feel we are in the midst of [00:02:56] something bigger than us something more powerful than us. Something that we have no control over. It's like, If you were caught in a tornado, you you've got no way to stop the tornado. You've just, you feel like you just got to sit it out and let the tornado pass.

And sometimes that's where the fear kicks in because you've seen how a tornado can pass through and leave a trail of devastation. And sometimes, let me run with this. Let me run with this T

sometimes it's not even sometimes I think we don't even fear the tornado itself. We fear [00:03:56] the devastation that the tornado is going to leave behind. So. Sometimes we are scared that the storm is going to expose things that we didn't want people to know about. Sometimes we feel like the storm is going to shatter people's perception of us.

Sometimes we feel that we just don't have what it takes to survive the storm.

Sometimes we just fear that, you know, we are going to be overwhelmed.  And it's, it's funny because everyone in life puts up a facade at some point. Right. And, you know, when you've got a [00:04:56] facade, a facade it is what it is, isn't it it's, it's not, there's no foundation to a facade. It's just a covering to hide.

What's really behind. And in the midst of a storm, the first thing that's going to be blown away and destroyed is that facade. So our fear is heightened when we know that. This storm is going to expose who I really am. And that's why a lot of us fear the storm. 

Terrence: [00:05:31] Yeah. Nah, I had to write them four down. I was about to say, I had to write that down, but man, because there may someone say about that, want to be exposed.

And that's what makes us vulnerable because we won't allow other people around us to kind of [00:05:56] help. But the store will come and then expose really how we really felt about people around us too.

Man. People think I really liked it.

Perception too. I think that keeps a lot of us stuck is how other people would think about us. If we do something or we make a certain choice some of us will really, uh, accept the ship wreck that God is trying to, or whatever the storm is trying to produce in us but the perception,is what keeps us from doing it a lot.

Yeah. So its like Lord I do want to give a lot of this stuff. But man if I start, like, [00:06:56] if I sell my house, I  move what are people going to say, they gonna think I'm crazy. Now. All that kind of stuff. and, that's how we, we second guess ourselves and override with God is showing us to do, because if you, if you really walking with God, you gonna look crazy that on a consistent basis.

Stuff that you do and how you move and operate is going to be so foreign to other people its like its just going to come with the territory. So if that's one thing that well you just going to have to embrace that, because they comes. 

David: [00:07:30] Yeah.

Terrence: [00:07:37] This is where it was good. And he is like, do that.

So, so yeah, but I do want to kind of go through some of those, but my answer to the question, because I didn't want to, I didn't want to skip over what you said. Cause all that was, [00:07:56] all that was great. I had to come back to some of that, cause that was just good. Uh, I, for me, my angle is we don't know who controls the storm.

So we get caught up in what's going around because we don't, we don't see God in the storm. We see the storm as being separate from God. Right. But then, also just like what you said about being the conduit or conduit. However you say it.

God, God placed what we need inside of us, as long as we can, we stay connected to him. So that's the other part of the faith piece is that as long as we have faith in God, then we shouldn't be afraid of what God created. So God created all of this around the [00:08:56] storm. It got elements of him too. So why should I fear the storm when it's all part of him, but he not, he might go even like, like we said, even if I get ship wrecked,, it's not the storm that's going to kill me.

And that what people got to understand being ship wrecked doesn't mean that you, die, being ship wrecked is that you lost what you didn't need. Yeah. And, and cause even, even, even this morning, I'm not going to any of the scriptures that I had down.

So, uh, let me see. All right. So like this morning I read Matthew 17, 20. That he, and it's amplified whether he answered because of your little faith, your lack of trust and confidence in the power of God,  [00:09:56] I assure you in most solemly say to you, if you have living faith, the size of a mustard seed, you will, uh, let's see.

Yeah. You will say to this mountain move from here to there. And if it is Gods will, it will move and nothing will. Uh, what did I do? Okay. Nothing will be impossible. So we all, we all heard about having the faith of the size of a mustard seed, but the piece that we, that I used didn't focus on, I didn't really catch you this morning.

Is this you speaking to whatever is the barrier and saying. You have the, you have the power to tell a mountain to move from here to there if you speak it. So he not saying we gotta have great faith, we gotta have faith plus our word. [00:10:56] So just like, when you talking about, when you say the mountain last week, I was like, Oh,it fit  right now, but.

While you were talking at the beginning, the song I told the storm came to me and it's all about, you know, you tell the storm like storm you're not going win and storm. You're not going to defeat me, stall you. So the very thing that you feel like is coming at you guys, or you probably will say like, Nope, you can't come this way.

Like, Nope, not today. Like, Nope. And we all feel like we got that power to say like, Oh, Nope, I'm not going to accept, you know, poverty. I'm not going to accept stuff being taken away from me I'm not going to accept it. Not saying that because you speak it. And that means it. Cause what they say in the scripture, according to God's will.

David: [00:11:55] Yeah. [00:11:56] Yeah. 

Terrence: [00:11:57] Is 

David: [00:11:57] it is Gods will, its gonna come anyway. I'm glad you said that. I'm glad you said that because I think we've talked about this a number of times that if it is God's will, even if you speak to it, even if you do so many things to try and avoid it, all you are doing is putting it off the inevitable.

Because when it's God's will, and especially, this is the bit that, you know, I'm know I'm guilty of this myself. I am so guilty of this. I pray, God, your will be done. Your will be done. Your will be done. And then something comes along. Not today,

straight up and I'm not, not, but Jesus, you didn't, you. This, this ain't for me, this isn't what Jesus had. This isn't God's will for me. And then I will do [00:12:56] everything in my power to try and avoid that thing, you know, up until recently, I've had to learn to accept that, Hey, if this is God's will then so be it.

Yup. If I know that it's going to hurt, I know that my pride will be hurt. I know that I will feel some kind of way. Yup. I know people are gonna look at me sideways. Yup. I know. I'm going to feel a level of embarrassment and shame and whatever, but if it is God's will then so be it because I would rather be broke, tore down, whatever the situation is.

And, and in his will than living in excess and outside of his [00:13:56] will. Because I know that in the midst of his will, where did they, what did they say? The storm is always calmest in the eye of the storm. When I'm in the midst of his will, I'm in, I'm in the eye of the storm. Nothing can harm me in the midst of his will.

And that's, that's all that matters. And you kind of, you kind of lead in that nicely into the second question, but the second question was are all, are all storms, a sign of trouble? And I think that flows in. I think that flows in because I don't believe that all storms that are a sign of trouble. I've got my, I've got my view on this, so I'm gonna let you go.

Okay. And then we can come back to what I think. 

Terrence: [00:14:49] Okay. So I would say, instead of saying storms [00:14:56] are always a sign of trouble, I will say storms are a sign or signal of needed change. Because a storm like I said, when a storm comes, you have to adjust for it. Yeah. And so just like, you know, when, when hurricanes come and it's, uh, it's a group of men and I think they from Louisiana, whatever.

And they call it like the Cajun Navy. So when hurricane stuff come, they come to the area and try rescue people and that's their way of giving back, but they can only be deployed when some happen. In the better times. Then they prepare for when the next wave of things are going to hit. So it's [00:15:56] really. storms give you, uh, a way to assess yourself.

And I think in normal day to day life, we don't look at ourselves objectively. We look at ourselves in context of other people. And then we look at ourselves. I said, externally, it's all about who we linked to and what this person did or didn't do. When, when you look at yourself objectively, it's like, What am I doing?

What am I thinking about? What are my actions? And do I believe that my actions are right for where God is leading me and where we are honest with ourselves pretty much a hundred percent of the time. We're nowhere near where we need to be. As it relates to God's will for our life. And then that also shows how you can be blind.

In the storm [00:16:56] because then you go from saying, well, Lord, what are you trying to show me in the storm? And you go to Lord, why you doing this to me? What did I do to deserve this? I go to church, I pay my taxes, I do this and that. And on top of that, I treat people. Right. I'll do, but you're not being objective.

If you there, then you missing the point? And God's like, okay, I'm a. I, I got to keep you in here a little while long, cause you're not understanding right now is the same thing for Job too. Job started to realize. What God was doing with the thing that will come his way. And that's why it started to shift. When he started to shift, he was like, Oh, I've been talking real, crazy God, my bad.

I'm sorry.

How to, how to run my

[00:17:56] and that's how we do when we lose a lot of stuff or we had to separate them things. Then we like, Lord, why did you take this away? Why did you do this? Why did you do that? And he's like, if you just go through this process, when I give it back to you, I got to make sure that I can trust you with it for the next level, because you weren't honouring it

when I, when you had it then, and I had to strip it away. Now wait till you show me that you can handle it this time and not forget me, because if I give it back to you, like you had, I'll give it to you better on another level. You just gonna leave me again. So why would I give it to you again? Right. Prove to me why I should give this back to you and ensure, that you gone, you going to carry it the way I'm expecting to.

And that's why we stay in the storm longer cause God like, okay, I ain't gonna go too far cause I got a [00:18:56] scripture for that. We'll stop there and let you go. 

David: [00:19:00] So I think you, you said it perfectly that, um, storms, sometimes a storm is a sign of change, but um, let me see. Cause I'm sure this was the one that, um, My wife gave me a different perspective.

Um, Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. Um, Oh man, man. So, okay. Let me, uh,

Oh, wait what did I write there. Yo, my bad. Um, um, Oh, okay. I couldn't even read my own handwriting, so. She said the storm can be a sign for resetting us and refocusing us. We can become so stuck on our own strength and God allows the storm to bring us back [00:19:56] to him, which is kind of what you were saying. Um, that, you know, sometimes God will allow these things to happen because we create idols.

Yeah, we create idols. And rather than worshiping God, we worship these idols that we have created. And that could be anything that could be a spouse, that could be your children. That could be your job. That could be your car, your home, whatever. We can idolize anything. An idol is not a physical object that you just take and you bring and

you, you place some where and you pray to it. An idol is anything that distracts you from the living God, an idol is something that takes your worship away from God. And your worship [00:20:56] becomes,  is then focused on that thing. So. Sometimes we do not realize when we idolize things. One of them, I know, I know we've talked about this before, but one of the things that I've seen a lot of people do is idolizing their pastors.

They go to church and it's, you would think they are there to worship the pastor and not God, because oh, Oh, but pastor said, this pastor said that and pastor was on on fire.. I'm like, but where is God in all of this? 

Terrence: [00:21:31] Yup. 

David: [00:21:33] You know, sometimes we get so caught up and that's why, I don't know.

Sometimes that's why, um, some, I believe God allows some of the scandals that we see in the church. That's why some of our pastors fall because they have [00:21:56] idolized, the fame and the power and the authority that God has given them and lost sight of him in the midst of all of it. And then the storm comes and blows it all away because those things.

And we've said this before. Don't get caught up with the, with the blessing, be caught up with the with the giver of the blessings. And that's sometimes that's just what the storm is there to do. Take your attention off the blessings to help you put your attention back on the person who gave you the blessings.

And sometimes he's got to take those blessings away. 

Terrence: [00:22:45] Yeah, well, one thing I wanted to add another angle to what you said about the pastors or preachers. So sometimes them getting caught up in scandals, [00:22:56] they kind of want to, because they don't want that life anymore. It's almost like I want somebody to catch me because I just don't want to do this, butme stepping down might be harder for people to take.

So like if they find out about something, I was doing like, Oh, you caught me. Okay. I'm gonna step down.

So sometimes we get overwhelmed by what God called us to do it. I don't want to do this no more. T you 

David: [00:23:26] need to write that down because that that's, that's, that's an, that's an episode right there that we need to, that's a new series right there.

so you said sometimes with the pastors, they want to get caught. God allows, they want to be caught in the scandal because they don't want to do what they're doing anymore. But [00:23:56] so, um, uh, we're, we're gonna, we're going to think of the right title for that, but  we're coming back to that because that's a, that's a real, real valid point.

Terrence: [00:24:05] Yeah. Uh, they 

David: [00:24:07] could survive the storm. That's the thing. They could survive the storm in the midst of the storm. They could realize they're wrong. They can confess their sin. They can repent of what they are doing and they can put that focus back on God. But like you said, some of them just want to be hardheaded and say, Hmm.

Um, um, now I'm a double down on this because I don't want to live this life no more. This life is too hard. This life is too demanding, but then the question I ask is, did you not weigh the cost before you.

[00:24:56] Terrence: [00:24:58] That's a

David: [00:25:06] we we're going to stop that. Let's let's let's move into the next question. That lets me,

Terrence: [00:25:15] what role does faith play in weathering this? Okay. 

David: [00:25:19] So what I thought about with this one, and what the spirit led. Put on me with this one is, um, if you imagine, again, coming back to that idea of being in a blizzard or being in a tornado or whatever you, so if you, we all know if we're in an earthquake, we run, we're taught to stand in the doorframe because .

Terrence: [00:25:49] I don't know too much about earthquakes.

[00:25:56] David: [00:26:02] you stand in the doorframe because that is supposed to be a secure structure that will hold out and you should be safe or, um, and everyone will have different things. They've been. They've been taught. For instance, people have the bunkers that they run into in the midst of the tornado. And they hide in underground because they believe that they are going to be faith or they have faith that those things will help them weather.

The storm. Our faith has to be anchored on something. So the role of the role of faith is really to anchor us to a point to help us know that if we hold onto this, we can survive the storm. If we have faith. [00:26:56] And if we anchor ourselves unto the word of God, then we know we can survive and we can weather, whatever storm comes our way.

Terrence: [00:27:08] No, that's that's good. So I, while you were talking what I wrote down, and I think this is the other piece of what you just said. So you were saying that faith anchors us to something that can kind of sustain us. Some of the visuals that you were giving was safe places. So faith is our safe place with God. And the more faith we have.

The more secure we feel in that safe place. So even if things are going on around, we know it's a place that we can seek refuge, but if we don't have faith, they God is that safe place. Then we feel like when we're in the storm, we don't have any place that they [00:27:56] can sustain us or help us weather it. So if God is not that refuge in the storm.

Then, we try and make ourselves be that refuge or we try and seek out other people to be refuge for us, or we try to seek refuge in people. And that, that sometimes, like you were saying earlier, uh, last week, the storm within that fuels that we feel that somebody else can calm the storm within us.

And we will ship wreck ourselves because we were lash out at people because they didn't save us from ourselves. Yeah. And they weren't, we weren't intended to do that. I can inform you on things because of how I reacted to it, but I don't know what your storm is like, because you experienced it in a way that I don't.

[00:28:56] So. And I'm just speaking, this me speaking now, you know, go and tell your 

David: [00:29:04] truth.

Terrence: [00:29:08] a lot of time, earlier in my life I was con I conditioned myself to feel that people around me had to understand me or understand my point of view of what I was experiencing. But as I've gotten older now, I realized that nobody would ever understand fully what I've endured or what I've gone through or what I am going through, because they can't see it from my eyes.

Even if I tell them about it, they're going to filter that or their perception of it is going to be from their experiences of similar thing. So I'm waiting for somebody like man, you know what. [00:29:56] Man, gee That's crazy, man. You man, that's a lot, man. This, you just imagine it like, Oh man, you know, I'm pray for you and that's messed up.

You know, I, I used to surf and be like, man, why can't nobody understand? Yeah, guy, like it's not for them to understand.. You keep trying to seek people to fill the role that I already am built for, for you, but you don't want to hear from me. You want to talk other people that won't even understand what you're going through.

David: [00:30:36] Yeah, no, that's good. That's good. And it, you kind of linking it, so one of the scriptures that, um, when I was preparing to, I went for, with Isaiah four verses five and six, and it says. Then the Lord will provide a shade for Mount [00:30:56] Zion and he, and all who assembled there, he will provide a canopy of clouds during the day and smoke and flaming fire at night covering the glorious land.

It will be a shelter from the day from daytime heat and a hiding place from the storms from storms and rain. So it just made me think, like you said, the job of our faith is to find that safe place. And that's what God does. He, if we anchor ourselves to God, he will provide us with that safe place, whether it's from.

a raging heat, whether it's from torrential, rains, crazy winds, blizzards, whatever it is, he is our safe place in the midst of the storm. He will provide the opposite to whatever the storm is to counteract, you know, counter it out and, [00:31:56] um, and just provide somewhere that we would just be secure. And the whole thing about, um, Us looking us looking for, um, I guess I want to say, looking for hope in other people where instead of looking to God where our hope comes from that is spot on because when we are in the midst of a personal storm within us, The first thing we want to do is look, look for someone.

So we do one of two things. We look for someone who we can lean on, um, yeah. And cry out to who we think should understand us and therefore be able to give us a solution out. Or we look to someone that we can lash out at and blame for the storm. [00:32:56] And sometimes we got that stuff all twisted because we will look to people where we should be looking to God and we will blame God when we should be blaming ourselves.

Because normally we, the ones that acting crazy and done something that's meant that we've opened the door for the storm. Yup. And then if we weren't acting, if we didn't act crazy, if we weren't doing something reckless, we wouldn't need the storm to come and clean house. We always need to remember that.

So the storm is there to change us. It's it's like that. Um, scripture says the, um, I can't remember exactly where it I think it's in Proverbs anyway. Um, but it's basically spare the rod, spoil the child. If God withheld [00:33:56] the witheld discipline from us, then we would not learn and change to be better, you know, to be more obedient, to be better, to be full of faith as we should be.

That's why the storm is allowed. That's why we need to have faith because in the midst of it, the storm, we can say, Oh God, I get it. I'm gonna put on my sack cloth. I'm gonna put the Ash on my head because I know I'm dead wrong and I'm gonna hold on to you and faith because now I know that you're trying to correct me and correct, and fix something that's in me.

And I'm a learn the lesson so that I can get out of this storm quickly. But yeah, that's that we kind of out of time but yeah, I know last week. Last week, you were talking about the songs that you came with that song. And I was like, when you, when you came with your song, [00:34:56] I was like, okay. Um, should I really tell Terrence my songs?

Because I was like, Um, I can see clearly now, Jimmy cliff, what was the other one? I was like, can you stand the rain? New Edition

oh man. I was, I was like, those are my songs.

Terrence: [00:35:47] Yeah. 

David: [00:35:49] Oh man. I was thinking, can I even weave the lyrics into this episode? [00:35:56] You know, storms will come. Everybody has them but can you stand 

Terrence: [00:36:03] the 

David: [00:36:11] rain?


David: [00:36:15] Oh, yo. Um, the ah um, who was that guy that you sent me again? I forgotten his name. Um, and he's got his, he's kinda like, bishop? Um, no, it was, it was it Tim, Tim, um, Tim Rogers. He did that. I'm sure he did. And can you stand the rain rendition. We need to add that clip to this

Terrence: [00:36:50] the sound system went out he was singing no mic, no, [00:36:56] Tim, Rogers and the fellas, if you, if you don't know about them,

David: [00:37:04] he's sanging if we will put the link we will put the link in the description, right?

Terrence: [00:37:09] She gonna bless you too

David: [00:37:23] well. So that's it for week two of this series, join us next week when we will be talking about the application. So how do you weather the storm? How do you make it, you, how do you take what we've talked about in, um, this part and how do you apply it to your life? So we will catch you next week. On, uh, the next episode or the imperfectly human podcast peace.

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Ready to ditch the filters and dive into the raw, real, and beautifully messy journey of life? Join Mr. Daley on Imperfectly Human, a podcast where faith meets everyday hustle, laughter mingles with vulnerability, and the pursuit of purpose gets gloriously unscripted.

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