Pure Victory Podcast

What if we have been taught harmful things about sex that cause a struggle in building healthy, biblical intimacy? Author, blogger, and speaker Sheila Wray Gregoire surveyed over 20,000 women to discover what makes sex great and what messages have been harmful around sex. Tune in this week to hear some of the powerful findings that she outlines in her recent book "The Great Sex Rescue!"

Show Notes

Welcome to episode #71!
This week, Matt and Braden chat with renowned author, blogger and speaker, Sheila Wray Gregoire on her newest book, "The Great Sex Rescue."

The messaging around our sex education can be harmful
Often the teaching in Christian circles can be that sex is one sided, in that women's needs are not addressed or sex is only seen as a man's need. This is harmful as sex is designed by God to be enjoyed by both men and women and the teaching should reflect that. Because it hasn't always been that way, the harm that has been inflicted on women and men alike is causing discrepancies in sexual satisfaction and intimacy in marriage.

Our definition of sex is limited
The way that we think about sex is often limited to intercourse with the man ejaculating, and if the women has an orgasm that is seen as just a bonus, but is not seen as being integral to what sex is. That is damaging messaging because it leaves sex as a one-sided affair and women could be in pain, have trauma or feel completely disengaged. What if the Bible has a much better definition that speaks to mutuality and greater intimacy? This is the key to enjoying sex as God intended.

What is the Biblical definition of sex?
The Bible speaks to a mutual gratification and intimacy within marriage (Genesis chapter 4),when it says that "Adam knew his wife Eve....". This speaks to a deep knowing, a deep intimacy, and a deep joining of husband and wife that is more than just a physical act. Biblical sex is pleasurable (see Song of Songs), intimate, mutual, and is about both of them (husband and wife) together.

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Stay Tuned
Next week, Matt and Braden continue with Sheila Wray Gregoire, talking about developing healthy patterns in our sex lives. You won't want to miss it!

Book: The Great Sex Rescue
Sheila Wray Gregoire's website
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Pure Freedom Journey for men and women
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FamilyLife Canada: Resources and events to strengthen your marriage
Online marriage resources (FamilyLife Canada)
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Podcast Hosts
Braden is the Regional Director in Alberta for FamilyLife Canada. He has been married for 12 years to his wife Kristen, and they live in Edmonton, Alberta. He is passionate about seeing marriages grow and thrive, and helping couples move to a deeper oneness with one another and with God. FamilyLife Canada has a variety of resources and events to help you and your spouse take your marriage to the next level. See what would benefit you at www.familylifecanada.com

Matt and his wife Louise raise their little guys, David and Oliver, in Edmonton, Alberta. He is honored to do what he can to tackle the epidemic of pornography and sexual perversion in every way possible. Seeing lives and marriages get free and experience the love of God in profound ways is what drives him every day. He leads Restored Ministries, is a certified speaker and coach for the John Maxwell Team, and formerly played hockey in the WHL and for Hockey Canada. You can visit www.restoredministries.ca.

Creators & Guests

Braden Hafner
Braden Is the Regional Director in Alberta for FamilyLife Canada. He is also the co-host and co-founder of Pure Victory Podcast.
Matt Cline
Matt Cline is the founder and director of Restored Ministries, focused on leading men and women out of sexual bondage and into a life of impact and freedom in Christ. He is a leading speaker and coach in Canada on the topic of sexual brokenness and has seen countless lives radically changed all around the world. You can learn more about Restored Ministries at www.restoredministries.ca.

What is Pure Victory Podcast?

Faith-based inspiration to win at sex, conquer porn, and find purpose in staying free forever.