The Veterans Disability Nexus

Welcome to The Veterans Disability Nexus, where we provide unique insights and expertise on medical evidence related to VA-rated disabilities.
Leah Bucholz, a US Army Veteran, Physician Assistant, & former Compensation & Pension Examiner shares her knowledge related to Independent Medical Opinions often referred to as “Nexus Letters” in support of your pursuit of VA Disability every Wednesday at 7 AM.

In this episode, Leah explores the relationship between obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) in the context of veterans seeking disability compensation. Leah notes that while OSA is often linked to obesity, there is growing evidence of a connection to GERD. She emphasizes the importance of considering all risk factors, both positive and negative when evaluating a veteran's condition. Leah references various studies and articles that provide evidence of a link between OSA and GERD, highlighting how GERD might contribute to the development or severity of OSA. Throughout the video, she stresses the importance of having an objective, comprehensive medical opinion and encourages viewers to discuss these findings with their doctors to better understand the potential overlap between these conditions in their disability claims.

Take control of your medical evidence related to your benefits and visit for more information and support.

What is The Veterans Disability Nexus?

Welcome to The Veterans Disability Nexus, where we provide unique insights and expertise on medical evidence related to VA-rated disabilities. Leah Bucholz, a US Army Veteran, Physician Assistant, & former Compensation & Pension Examiner shares her knowledge related to Independent Medical Opinions often referred to as “Nexus Letters” in support of your pursuit of VA Disability every Tuesday & Wednesday at 7AM Central.

Take control of your medical evidence related to your benefits and visit for more information and support.