Bring It Home - Your Life, Your Story, Your Purpose

Diane Dreher, PhD, is the author of five nonfiction books including the best-selling Tao of Inner Peace. She is an award-winning university professor and positive psychology researcher whose work on hope has been recognized internationally. Her books, workshops, and webinars blend the wisdom of the past with powerful strategies from contemporary psychology and neuroscience to help us meet the challenges of our time with greater courage, creativity, and hope.

In this episode Diane discusses practical and scientifically based steps to find hope in challenging situation

For more information on Diane go to

What is Bring It Home - Your Life, Your Story, Your Purpose?

Your purpose can be found in the center of your story
Join speaker, storyteller and author Matt Kendziera as he finds incredible people using their story as a catalyst for goodness in this world.
Be inspired to discover your own purpose within your own story to make your life, family, community and world better.
Instagram: @mattkendziera
Facebook: mattkendziera