Exponential Groups Podcast with Allen White

Dr. Bill Donahue, author and executive coach, talks about the benefits of coaching for church leaders, corporate C level leaders, and small group leaders. Drawing from his years of experience in education, ministry, and executive coaching. Bill served Willow Creek Community Church and the Willow Creek Association for 18 years.

Show Notes

Dr. Bill Donahue, author and executive coach, talks about the benefits of coaching for church leaders, corporate C level leaders, and small group leaders. Drawing from his years of experience in education, ministry, and executive coaching. Bill served Willow Creek Community Church and the Willow Creek Association for 18 years.

What is Exponential Groups Podcast with Allen White?

In each episode you will discover effective ways to recruit more leaders, form better groups, and make more disciples. Guests to this monthly podcast will include small group and discipleship experts like Carl George, Dr. Warren Bird, Steve Gladen, Mark Howell, Dr. Bill Donahue, Bill Willits, Chris Surratt, as well as some pastors you've never heard of who are doing some amazing things with small groups and discipleship.