Men's Leadership Network Podcast

This month, we've got a special interview with Chris Hardy, the Director of Programs and Church Partnerships for Justice and Mercy International. Pastor Jeff sits down with Chris for an inspirational conversation about being a part of something bigger than yourself, what it looks like to live intentionally and on mission, and how we can live “all out!”

Show Notes

Welcome to the month of May, Men's Leadership Network! This month, we've got a special interview with Chris Hardy, the Director of Programs and Church Partnerships for Justice and Mercy International. Pastor Jeff sits down with Chris for an inspirational conversation about being a part of something bigger than yourself, what it looks like to live intentionally and on mission, and how we can live “all out!”

Chris starts the conversation talking about his family, the people who mean the most to him in the world. Chris has been married to his wife, Traci, for 27 years. They have two children, Kara-Anne (22) and Will (18). With Will graduating from high school this month and starting college in the fall, Chris and Traci are about to enter into a new phase of their lives as empty-nesters.

A native of Georgia, Chris studied psychology at Berry College and has been working in ministry since 1990. Most recently, he served 19 years on the pastoral staff at Westover Church in Greensboro, NC, as Staff Pastor where he provided oversight for equipping his staff and leadership development. Today, Chris serves on staff with Justice and Mercy International, where he manages JMI’s international programs and helps establish partnerships with churches, organizations, and schools.

As you listen to Chris and Pastor Jeff, what shines through is Chris's passion for the work to which God has called him at this moment with JMI, as well as an overall passion for men to see the places we find ourselves today as our mission field. We must make the intentional efforts in the big events of our lives and in the everyday routines to point people to Christ.

Next Steps
1. Can you think about a time you were a part of something bigger than yourself?
2. Have you had a specific situation or circumstance that caused your faith in Christ and love for Him to grow?

If you want to learn more about JMI's work or get involved, visit their website here. There are many opportunities to be a part of what God is doing through their ministry.

What is Men's Leadership Network Podcast?

The Men's Leadership Network Podcast brings you quick, informative topics that help you serve, grow, reflect, and connect in leadership, family, and business.