The BCV Podcast

Welcome to the BCV Podcast! Beyond Capital Ventures Managing Partner Eva Yazhari and Partner Nicholas Java are here to bring you the stories of a venture capital firm focused on more than money. Through our weekly conversations, we strive to inspire you to think differently about what investments can achieve. Each episode will broaden your understanding of investment and inspire you to envision new possibilities for what capital can achieve.

In our inaugural episode, Eva and Nicholas set the stage for a season of intriguing, insightful discussions. It is our hope that you engage with these episodes and reach out with your own thoughts on how our money can mean more. 

Some key takeaways from our kickoff conversation:

  • Each episode will be centered on one question and one data point that epitomize the current state of conscious investing (:42)
  • An insiders’ glimpse into what Beyond Capital Ventures invests in — and, more importantly, why (1:28)
  • Why investments that produce both impact and returns is like having your cake and eating it too (4:15)
  • Eva shares the deep dive into the genesis of Beyond Capital Ventures (6:43)
  • How Beyond Capital Fund served as the foundation for the venture capital strategy that became Beyond Capital Ventures (9:28)
  • Hear about the data point of the day — a revealing metric about the percentage of venture capital money that is directed towards companies with women in leadership positions — and what we can all do to help level the playing field (16:02)

What is The BCV Podcast?

Welcome to the BCV podcast brought to you by Beyond Capital Ventures in our Purpose driven World leadership and the way we invest are more crucial than ever. Stakeholders are demanding the integration of values into every aspect of business, and leaders are driving the way forward. We are here to bring you the stories of a venture capital firm focused on more than money and to inspire you to think differently about what investments can achieve.