Talk to Your Pharmacist

Pharmacy Dads, Are You a FitPharmDad?
In this episode, our guest is Brian Bisher. Dr. Bisher graduated from the University of Cincinnati College of Pharmacy in 2013 and received a certification in health coaching from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in 2017. Six years ago, a two week experiment with fasting opened the gateway for his own personal wellness journey. Having struggled with insecurities about his physical appearance and health issues nearly my entire life, Brian have made it my mission and purpose to help others become the agents of change in their life and feel more secure in who they are physically and mentally, escaping the trap of self-comparison. Specifically, Brian’s focus is on young professional dads who want to get healthier and more fit for life without hating the process. He utilizes fasting as the foundational and transformative tool for helping men achieve their physical and health goals.

Main Points:
Getting started with your own health journey
It’s not selfish—quite the opposite in fact
The importance of understanding how your past painful experiences are affecting you now
Enjoying the process to help make it simple and sustainable
Not knowing where to start
It does not have to be overwhelming
Finding the right motivation to get you behind your goals
Why I believe fasting is a great transformational tool to help guide you along the way
Learned discipline
All of the physical and mental benefits + some of my favorites

Guest: Brian Bisher, PharmD
Founder, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach
EmpoweRX Health Solutions
m: 513-519-8164
Social media:
Instagram - @thefitpharmdad
LinkedIN -
youtube -

Host - Hillary Blackburn, PharmD, MBA
@talktoyourpharmacist for Instagram and Facebook
@HillBlackburn Twitter

Show Notes

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What is Talk to Your Pharmacist?

We're dispensing stories of success from across the continuum of care.

Talk to Your Pharmacist is a podcast for pharmacists, student pharmacists, and others across the country to hear from industry leaders about their leadership stories and current healthcare topics. The Talk to Your Pharmacist podcast was founded and hosted by pharmacist, Dr. Hillary Blackburn.