Ask Rezzz

It’s really all about who your tool is for. And finding more of them to get as customers.

You may be able to get a link or two on some blogs some place, but to be honest, I haven’t had much success in that strategy because you’ll have to spend a ton of time in a great cold outreach campaign that odds are will yield limited results for you.

A better approach would be to run a podcast tour instead, which you can find podcasts that your target market listens to. That may get you in front of the right kind of customers more effectively. Plus show your authority to your potential customers in a way that’s much more personal than a guest blog post.

Show Notes

With that in mind, you obviously want to get it into the hands of your target market, if you haven’t done so already, with a free trial or some other kind of offer.

Yes, you say freelancers, but are they aspiring freelancers, have they just started freelancing, or are they experienced freelancers.

Each of these 3 types of freelancers have a different need for their business. They also have a much different view on spending money.


In this episode I dive into some examples you can use try based on where they are in this space.
For full show notes, downloads, and bonus material, head on over here for it all.

What is Ask Rezzz?

You ask, I answer your web development and design business questions. 🚀 Struggling with a client? Want to build recurring revenue but unsure where to start? Feeling overwhelmed? Have a client that's always late? Want to get clients who respect you? This is the show for you 2 times a week.