Life Hacking Tech Brief By HackerNoon

Life Hacking Tech Brief By HackerNoon Trailer Bonus Episode null Season 1

Man In The Middle Attack Using Bettercap Framework

Man In The Middle Attack Using Bettercap FrameworkMan In The Middle Attack Using Bettercap Framework

This story was originally published on HackerNoon at:
Man-in-the-middle attack (MITM) is an attack where the attacker secretly relays and possibly alters the communications between two devices who believe that they are directly communicating with each other. In order to perform man in the middle attack, we need to be in the same network as our victim because we have to fool these two devices. Now lets initiate the attack by running our tools which is bettercap. To run bettercap we can simply open up terminal and type bettercap -iface [your network interface which connected to the network]. To know which network interface is used we can simply type ifconfig and here is what it shows us.
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This story was written by: @luthfi-ramadhan. Learn more about this writer by checking @luthfi-ramadhan's about page, and for more stories, please visit

Man-in-the-middle attack (MITM) is an attack where the attacker secretly relays and possibly alters the communications between two devices who believe that they are directly communicating with each other. In order to perform man in the middle attack, we need to be in the same network as our victim. We need to fool both the victim and the router by telling the router that victim’s mac address is our mac address and telling victim that router’‘i am the router' so that every request windows 10 make will go through raspberry pi.

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