Escape Velocity

Escape Velocity Trailer Bonus Episode 37 Season 1

Why film studios don't market old movies

Why film studios don't market old moviesWhy film studios don't market old movies

Sam talks about the launch of Build UI's fourth course, the importance of pre-launch marketing, and plans for Build UI's next course. German talks about potentially adding sponsorships to Elixir Streams, asking the Elixir community about what course they'd like to see him make next, and building an audience.


- Build UI's newest course on Remix
- Sam's talk at Next.js Conf
- Elixir Streams
- German's post on Elixir Forum
- Build an Audience episode of Rework

Twitter: German, Sam

What is Escape Velocity?

A podcast about two developers trying to build profitable businesses. Hosted by German Velasco and Sam Selikoff.