Dare To Rise

Nicole and Tina Kay are back! This week, they chat with Your Community Connection's Brent Hinsely about recognizing abuse in your lives and the work the YCC does with youth to set them up with the tools they need for a lifetime of healthy relationships.

Show Notes

Nicole and Tina Kay are back! This week, they chat with Your Community Connection's Brent Hinsely about recognizing abuse in your lives and the work the YCC does with youth to set them up with the tools they need for a lifetime of healthy relationships.

You can learn more about the programs and work that the YCC does in northern Utah by checking out their website.

Also, don't forget to follow Dare to Rise on Facebook and Instagram or check out our new website.

What is Dare To Rise?

Dare to Rise is a show about overcoming life's obstacles together, and sharing our stories with each other.