Leading Collaborative Response

Leading Collaborative Response Trailer Bonus Episode 30 Season 1

The Value of System-wide Implementation with Scott Brandt and Brita Goldie - Ep 30

The Value of System-wide Implementation with Scott Brandt and Brita Goldie - Ep 30The Value of System-wide Implementation with Scott Brandt and Brita Goldie - Ep 30

Access the FREE webinar “5 Mistakes Leaders Make When Organizing Data” - https://bit.ly/5mistakesdata 

Locus of Control Activity: https://www.jigsawlearning.ca/publications/blog-posts/so-what-can-we-control-articulating-our-locus-control

In episode 30 of Leading Collaborative Response, Lorna and Kurtis are joined by the Superintendent of Grasslands School Division, Scott Brandt, and the principal of Bassano School, Brita Goldie.  In the conversation, we explore how the division has implemented a Collaborative Response journey across all of its schools, the impact the work is having on students and staff, what it looks like in a K-12 within the division and how the structures and processes have been utilized at the divisional level.


Connect with Scott Brandt
Email scott.brandt@grasslands.ab.ca

Connect with Brita Goldie
Email brita.goldie@grasslands.ab.ca

Connect with Kurtis Hewson 
Email kurtis.hewson@jigsawlearning.ca 
Twitter @hewsonk27 
LinkedIn https://ca.linkedin.com/in/kurtishewson 

Connect with Lorna Hewson 
Email lorna.hewson@jigsawlearning.ca 
Twitter @LornaHewson 
Linked In https://www.linkedin.com/in/lorna-hewson-713a59104


Related Resources

Bassano School Continuum of Supports - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HBtXSzfJUshR8C8GfIjGB77bSjXAUUxL/view?usp=sharing 


Learn more about Collaborative Response https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6tbgetTdAiA&t=0s 

Access the FREE Overview of Collaborative Response Article 

Explore the book Collaborative Response by downloading the introduction for FREE 
https://bit.ly/CR-intro - if interested in ordering the book, use the code JLPodcast10 to receive 10% off!

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Music: “Leading Collaborative Response” has been composed, recorded, and produced by Trent Ferguson for Leading Collaborative Response.

Images: Visuals included in this video not generated under agreement with Jigsaw Learning Inc. have been carefully selected under Creative Commons for their permissions.

Creators & Guests

Kurtis Hewson
Author/presenter with @jigsaw_learning, learner, teacher, father, husband, son, friend. He/him. Honoured to reside on Treaty 6 territory
Lorna Hewson
Lead Learner and Co-Founder, Jigsaw Learning

What is Leading Collaborative Response?

Leading organizations with intentionality and purpose is complex work, and dedicated leaders work tirelessly each and every day to build impactful cultures of collaboration!

But effective collaboration is difficult and messy.

The good news is you don’t have to do it alone!

Join the Jigsaw Learning team for Leading Collaborative Response, sharing insights for leaders committed to establishing, refining and deepening Collaborative Response in their organization.