Thought Leader

Nina is a mindset coach for entrepreneurs and founder of Nina Cooke Business Growth Mentoring. She helps her clients break through their limiting beliefs so they can achieve their business goals, create more impact, earn more money, and have a balanced life.

Today, Nina explains how entrepreneurs think and want to control uncontrollable situations. She explains what the real deep reasons behind procrastination are and shares some methods and strategies to overcome it.
She emphasizes that we need to trust our decision making process, ditch the limiting beliefs that are stopping us, and find a strategy that plays to our strengths. Nina also shared her personal story about self development and how her kids pointed her in the right direction before she reframed her life.

Show Notes

🌞 Spring and summer vibe from Nina. 00:46
🧠 Two types of thinking among entrepreneurs. 01:33
👍 The right perception and response on things we don’t have control over. 03:27
⚠️ Procrastination has nothing to do with laziness but with reasons deep down. 06:18
🙋‍♀️ Story about insurance broker and how to overcome procrastination. 10:05
📈 Nina’s biggest financial success with a huge lift in income. 13:31
😇 She loves to perceive someone else's thoughts about the truth and lies they are living. 16:55
👧 Nina’s lack of confidence in youth: be invisible to avoid troubles. 18:01
🤩 Having limiting beliefs about yourself and her journey of dissolving those beliefs.19:47
📋 The Millionaire Mindset Scorecard. 22:50

Connect with Nina
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We put scare quotes around the term “thought leader.” Don't worry - no hagiographic interviews here. No upsells, no bullshit.

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