The Thinking Drinkers Podcast

In this, the last episode of our rum mini-series, we’re drinking neat Venezuelan Diplomatico rum and pairing it with chocolate. The chocolate is for both peasant and posho, but the rum is all luxury. Listen to us having a nice time. ‘Added value' chat comes in the form of pumpkin seed fibre advice, Double Decker anecdotes, pre-Minstrel tension, Hine Cognac and wine pouch insights, and tales of a total berk in the wine world. #winebitch

Show Notes

he full range of Diplomatico rums can be bought from The Whisky Exchange here
Luxury chocolate supporting a great cause can be found at Harry Specters here  
Waitrose chocs can be purchased here
And you can the lovely wine packs from Bibwine here

And you can watch the pod here 

What is The Thinking Drinkers Podcast?

No matter what day of the year it is, there is always a compelling reason to enjoy a discerning drink. Responsibly of course.

This hilarious, eclectic and erudite elbow-bending adventure through the calendar reveals what you should be drinking this week - and a fascinating and compelling reason to drink it.

Hosts Ben McFarland & Tom Sandham, aka The Thinking Drinkers, have deftly decanted 40 years of unwavering dedication to awesome alcohol into a podcast that will broaden your booze horizons and make you seem even more interesting than you already are.

Steeped in eccentric events, fascinating facts and with all the cocktail recipes and recommendations a thirsty gastronome requires, this pod arms people with essential, some would say useless, anecdotal ammunition with which to impress your mates over a drink...or two.