Stewart Squared

Welcome to the Stewart Squared podcast with the two Stewart Alsops. In this episode, the discussion takes a deep dive into the intriguing history and current ventures of Oracle, particularly focusing on its founder, Larry Ellison, and his relationship with tech giants like Steve Jobs. The conversation also touches on Oracle's involvement in AI, its cloud computing endeavors, and the larger context of Silicon Valley's evolution. Through the lens of Larry Ellison's strategic decisions and Oracle's trajectory, the episode explores broader themes of innovation, risk-taking, and the intersecting paths of technology and entertainment.

Check out this GPT we trained on the conversation!


00:00 Introduction to Stewart Squared
00:19 Exploring Oracle's Cloud Computing
01:26 Larry Ellison and Oracle's Origins
01:39 David Ellison and Skydance
04:24 Oracle's Database Innovations
05:57 Larry Ellison's Leadership Challenges
08:35 Oracle's Modern Enterprise Software
13:30 Elon Musk's GPU Quest
22:06 Comparing Tech Giants' AI Strategies
30:28 The Future of AI and Power Efficiency
34:09 Venture Capital and Tech Investments
39:19 Closing Thoughts and Argentina's Social Experiment

Key Insights
  1. Oracle's Origins and Evolution: Oracle began as a pioneering enterprise software company focused on developing online databases, a significant shift from the batch processing systems of the time. Larry Ellison, its co-founder, played a crucial role in driving Oracle's growth, despite early challenges with credibility and revenue reporting.
  2. Larry Ellison's Leadership Style: Larry Ellison is portrayed as a complex figure, comparable to Elon Musk in terms of ambition and charisma. His leadership style is marked by a mix of engineering insight and aggressive sales tactics, which at times led to significant issues within Oracle, including a major revenue restatement in the 1990s.
  3. Ellison and Jobs' Relationship: A key point of interest in the episode is the close friendship between Larry Ellison and Steve Jobs. Despite their contrasting personalities—Jobs being more of a bohemian visionary and Ellison a corporate shark—their bond significantly influenced both Oracle and Apple, especially in the crossover between enterprise software and personal computing.
  4. Oracle's AI Ambitions: Oracle’s involvement in AI, particularly through its cloud computing services, is highlighted as a strategic move to stay competitive in the rapidly evolving tech landscape. The episode discusses Oracle's efforts to provide GPU resources for AI development, including their dealings with Elon Musk, who ultimately sought faster solutions elsewhere.
  5. Ellison's Business Strategy: The episode underscores Ellison's strategic acumen, particularly his ability to navigate Oracle through crises and adapt to technological shifts. His decision to temporarily step down as CEO to restore the company's credibility, only to return later and lead Oracle to further success, is a testament to his calculated approach to leadership.
  6. Silicon Valley and Hollywood Merger: The conversation touches on the merging of Silicon Valley technology with Hollywood entertainment, particularly through the lens of David Ellison, Larry Ellison's son, who founded Skydance and recently acquired Paramount. This merger symbolizes a broader trend of tech influencing traditional media industries.
  7. The Future of AI and Computing Power: The episode speculates on the future of AI, particularly the potential shifts in computing power efficiency and the architecture of AI systems. There is a discussion about how current investments in GPUs might be upended by new, more efficient technologies, drawing a parallel to historical shifts in tech standards like the VHS versus Betamax battle.

What is Stewart Squared?

Stewart Alsop III reviews a broad range of topics with his father Stewart Alsop II, who started his career in the personal computer industry and is still actively involved in investing in startup technology companies. Stewart Alsop III is fascinated by what his father was doing as SAIII was growing up in the Golden Age of Silicon Valley. Topics include:

- How the personal computing revolution led to the internet, which led to the mobile revolution
- Now we are covering the future of the internet and computing
- How AI ties the personal computer, the smartphone and the internet together