Offbeat Beards

We've all heard the topic heard around the world called "The Insurecction" and we revisit how are you going to sell yourself as things dwindle down. Rodney's car decides to lose its power after grocery shopping and this was during a time when logging out of social media.

Show Notes

We've all heard the topic heard around the world called "The Insurecction" and we revisit how are you going to sell yourself as things dwindle down. Rodney's car decides to lose its power after grocery shopping and this was during a time when logging out of social media to avoid the conversations on everyone's tongue. Are we going to spend big money on a shave serum?

What is Offbeat Beards?

This is Greenbird555 and Offbeat Santino bringing you guys our uncensored opinion on beardcare and skincare. This new addition to our media platforms has info on the behind-the-scenes, upcoming products, product reviews, and of course ridiculous banter being whatever we want it to be; hence the name "Offbeat beards."