HomeKit Insider

This marks the final episode of HomeKit Insider for 2024. After covering new rumors of Apple's work on a smart video doorbell, your host recaps the year, marking the most popular episodes of the show, some favorite guests, and rounds up the best new products released this year.

Send us your HomeKit questions and recommendations with the hashtag homekitinsider. Tweet and follow our hosts at:
HomeKit Insider YouTube Channel
Links from the show
Those interested in sponsoring the show can reach out to us at: andrew@appleinsider.com

Creators & Guests

Andrew O'Hara

What is HomeKit Insider?

Learn about the latest HomeKit devices, news, reviews, and more on HomeKit Insider. Our hosts Andrew O'Hara and Stephen Robles discuss how-to's, automations, integrating Siri Shortcuts, and review their recent HomeKit projects.