End of a Species: The Adam Tapes

The Last of Us Part 2 has faced enormous backlash from gamers online. Is this backlash warranted? Adam and Jeff discuss.

Show Notes

This is why we can't have nice things.

The Last of Us 2 is a survival horror game developed by Naughty Dog and exclusive to the PS4.  It features improved graphics & gameplay mechanics, along with an overall more cohesive feel.  However, some have decried the game's story as one of its premiere shortcomings.  This has been enough to drive a campaign of backlash against the game, the developer, and the company behind this project.

Jeff recounts his experience playing both Last of Us and Last of Us 2, and the EoaS team compares these experiences to other awesome games they have played.  Is the story really terrible?  Does the game signify the "end of Naughty Dog"?  Will Adam and Jeff recite their magical two-word catch phrase?  Listen in and find out!

Jeff - @zeusnjeff / Twitter
Adam - @tatooinehermit / Instagram

You can send feedback to the End of a Species podcast by emailing endofaspecies@yahoo.com.
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Creators & Guests

Adam Webb
Jeff Rufino

What is End of a Species: The Adam Tapes?

This podcast holds the End of a Species episodes co-hosted by Adam, our fallen friend and one of the founders of End of a Species.